The AFSC received $376,450 for Ocean Acidification research in FY 2013. These new funds primarily will be used to conduct species-specific physiological research. The species-specific physiological response to ocean acidification is unknown for most marine species. Lacking basic knowledge, research will be directed toward several crab, fish and coral taxa. The research will be conducted at the Kodiak, Auke Bay, and Newport Laboratories. The king crab results also will be incorporate into a king crab bioeconomic model; this work will be completed by the Socioeconomics Assessment Program in Seattle.
Principal Investigators
Abbreviated Titles
Alaska crab growth and survival
Alaska crab abundance forecast
Growth and survival of finfish
Foy and Hurst
Water chemistry
Calcium carbonate mineralogy of Alaskan corals
Essential Fish Habitat Funding Received
Proposals for FY 2013 Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) recently were funded. Project selection for EFH research is based on research priorities from the Alaska Essential Fish Habitat Research Plan. Research priorities are
Characterize habitat utilization and productivity; increase the level of information available to describe and identify EFH; apply information from EFH studies at regional scales.
Assess sensitivity, impact, and recovery of disturbed benthic habitat.
Validate and improve habitat impacts model; begin to develop geographic-based database for offshore habitat data.
Map the seafloor.
Assess coastal and marine habitats facing development.
The Habitat and Ecological Processes Research (HEPR) team completed a scientific rating of the 2013 proposals last fall. Alaska Regional Office Assistant Regional Administrator for Habitat Conservation Jeanne Hanson and HEPR Program Leader Mike Sigler agreed on rankings based on the scientific review and management priorities. The management prioritization generally followed the science ranking but a few changes were made to reflect the relevance of the proposals for fishery management decisions.
Principal Investigators
Helser, Matta, Ormseth, Miller
Otolith microchemical fingerprinting: Assessing juvenile Pacific cod habitat utilization in the Gulf of Alaska - Year 2
Bathymetry and substrate compilation from smooth sheet charts
Rooper, Etnoyer, Stone
Simulation modeling of sustainable removals of Primnoa in the Gulf of Alaska based on field studies of size structure and recruitment rates
Hurst, Cooper,
Duffy-Anderson, Miller
Essential fish habitats of juvenile pacific cod, yellowfin sole, and northern rock sole along the Alaska Peninsula
Conrath, Knoth, Rooper
The distribution and productivity of commercially important rockfish species in coral and sponge habitats of the Gulf of Alaska