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New Publications by AFSC Authors

50 citations most recently added to the Pubs Database:

  • Vikebø, F. B., Nepstad, R., Matuszak, M., Rikardsen, E. S. U., Laurel, B. J., Meier, S., Eriksen, E., Röhrs, J., Christensen, K. H., Smieszek-Rice, M., Hoel, A. H., and Huserbråten, M. 2025. Polar cod early life stage exposure to potential oil spills in the Arctic. Aquatic Toxicology, 281, 107293.   Online.  (added 3-11-25).
  • Weir, C. R., Fernandez, S., Jackson, J. A., Miller, A., Sucunza, F., Slesser, H. W., and Zerbini, A. N. 2024. Movements and behaviour of southern right whales satellite-tracked in and beyond a subantarctic archipelago wintering ground. Endangered Species Research, 55, 229-245.   Online.  (added 3-11-25).
  • Weems, J. D., Long, W. C., Divine, L. M., and Eckert, G. L. 2025. Blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus) and red king crab (P. camtschaticus) juvenile settlement to nearshore nursery habitats of Saint Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 82, 1-21.   Online.  (added 3-11-25).
  • Prohaska, B. K., Marshall, H., Grubbs, R. D., Lear, K., Frazier, B. S., Morris, J. J., Andres, A., Hueter, R. E., Keller, B. A., & Whitney, N. M. 2025. Stress physiology of scalloped and great hammerhead sharks from a bottom longline fishery. Conservation Physiology, 13(1).  Online.  (added 3-10-25).
  • Farrugia Drakard, V., Hollarsmith, J. A., and Stekoll, M. S. 2025. Hyposaline conditions impact the early life-stages of commercially important high-latitude kelp species. Journal of Phycology. Early Online.  Online.  (added 3-10-25).
  • Farrugia Drakard, V., Hollarsmith, J. A., & Stekoll, M. S. 2024. Effects of temperature on early life-stages of Alaria marginata, a commercially important high-latitude kelp species. Journal of Applied Phycology. Early Online.  Online.  (added 3-10-25).
  • Patterson, R. G., Cronin, M. F., Swart, S., Beja, J., Edholm, J. M., McKenna, J., Palter, J. B., Parker, A., Addey, C. I., Boone, W., Bhuyan, P., Buck, J. J. H., Burger, E. F., Burris, J., Camus, L., de Young, B., du Plessis, M., Flanigan, M., Foltz, G. R., . . . Zhang, D. 2025. Uncrewed surface vehicles in the Global Ocean Observing System: a new frontier for observing and monitoring at the air-sea interface. Frontiers in Marine Science, 12.   Online.  (added 3-7-25).
  • Sullaway, G. H., Cunningham, C., Kimmel, D. G., Nielsen, J. M., Pilcher, D., Pinchuk, A. I., and Stabeno, P. J. 2025. Impacts of climate change on Bering Sea copepod phenology and reproductive strategy. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 755, 45-61.   Online.  (added 3-6-25).
  • Sweeney, K. L., Birkemeier, B., Luxa, K., and Gelatt, T. 2025. Results of the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) surveys in Alaska, June–July 2024. 2025. AFSC Processed Rep. 2025-02, 47 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.  Online.  (added 3-3-25).
  • Punt, A. E., Dalton, M. G., Adams, G. D., Barbeaux, S. J., Cheng, W., Hermann, A. J., Holsman, K. K., Hulson, P.-J. F., Hurst, T. P., & Rovellini, A. 2024. Capturing uncertainty when modelling environmental drivers of fish populations, with an illustrative application to Pacific cod in the eastern Bering Sea. Fisheries Research, 272, 106951.  Online.  (added 2-24-25).
  • Stienessen, S. C., McCarthy, A., Honkalehto, T., Lauffenburger, N., and Urmy, S. 2025. Results of the acoustic-trawl survey of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) on the U.S. Bering Sea Shelf in June - August 2022 (DY2207). 2025. AFSC Processed Rep. 2025-01, 68 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.  Online.  (added 2-24-25).
  • Kearney, K. A., Stabeno, P. J., Hermann, A. J., and Mordy, C. W. 2025. An updated regional model skill assessment for seasonal and interannual variability of bottom temperature across the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science. 12:1483945.  Online.  (added 2-19-25).
  • Goodman, M. C., Reum, J. C. P., Barnes, C. L., Punt, A. E., Ianelli, J. N., McHuron, E. A., De Leo, G. A., and Holsman, K. K. Climate covariate choice and uncertainty in projecting species range shifts: a case study in the eastern Bering Sea. Fish and Fisheries, Early Online.   Online.  (added 2-19-25).
  • Liu, O. R., Kaplan, I. C., Hernvann, P.-Y., Fulton, E. A., Haltuch, M. A., Harvey, C. J., Marshall, K. N., Muhling, B., Norman, K., Pozo Buil, M., Rovellini, A., and Samhouri, J. F. 2025. Climate change influences via species distribution shifts and century-scale warming in an end-to-end California Current Ecosystem model. Global Change Biology, 31(1), e70021.   Online.  (added 2-12-25).
  • Beck, J. N., Baetscher, D. S., Tobin, C., Edwards, S. V., Sin, S. Y. W., Fitzgerald, S., Tuttle, V. J., Peschon, J., and Larson, W. A. 2025. Quantifying impacts of seabird bycatch using genetic assignment: A case study of black-footed albatross in U.S. fisheries. Biological Conservation, 303, 110965.   Online.  (added 2-12-25).
  • Zimmermann, M., Oyafuso, Z., Laman, N., and Prescott, M. 2025. Creating and testing a new bathymetry surface for use in restratifying the Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-496, 21 p.  Online.  (added 2-5-25).
  • Jenkins, C. J., McConnaughey, R. A., and Intelmann, S. S. 2025. Documentation for multi-parameter characterization of seafloor substrates in the U.S. EEZ off Alaska. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-495, 64 p.   Online.  (added 2-5-25).
  • TenBrink, T. T., and Gburski, C. M. 2025. Age, growth, and mortality of silvergray rockfish (Sebastes brevispinis) from the Gulf of Alaska. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-494, 39 p.  Online.  (added 2-5-25).
  • Ferrer, T., Boveng, P., Hauser, D. D. W., Withrow, D., Burkanov, V., Quinn, T. P., and O'Corry-Crowe, G. 2024. Genetic and evolutionary divergence of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iliamna Lake, Alaska. Biology Letters 20(10).  Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • Shero, M. R., Costa, D. P., Burns, J. M., and Goetz, K. T. 2024. Breath-hold capacities and circadian dive rhythmicity shape optimal foraging strategies in a polar marine mammal, the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii). Communications Biology 7, 1394.   Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • Kruse, G. H., Daly, B. J., Fedewa, E. J., Stram, D. L., & Szuwalski, C. S. 2025. Ecosystem-based fisheries management of crab fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Fisheries Research, 281, 107236.   Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • Jeroue, L., Faunce, C., Kingham, A., and Smith, J. 2025. Estimates of disclosure and victimization rates for fishery observers in the maritime workplace. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.   Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • Kennedy, A. S., Robbins, J., Andrews-Goff, V., Clapham, P.,Double, M., Gales, N., Gulland, F. M. D., Holland, M., and Zerbini, A. N. 2024. Remote assessment of ‘Type C’ implantable satellite tag extrusion using light sensors, p. 25-44. In Cetacean Tagging Advances and Insights. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management Special Issue 5.   Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • Frances G., Robbins, J., Zerbini, A., Andrews-Goff, V., Berube, M., Clapham, P., Double, M., Gales, N., Kennedy, A., Landry, S., Mattila, D., Sandilands, D., Tackaberry, J., Uhart, M., and Vanstreels, R. 2024. Effects of satellite-linked telemetry tags on humpback whales in the Gulf of Maine: Photographic assessment of tag sites, p. 1-33. In Cetacean Tagging Advances and Insights. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management Special Issue 5.   Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • Blanchard, J. L., Novaglio, C., Maury, O., Harrison, C. S., Petrik, C. M., Fierro-Arcos, D., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Eddy, T. D., Heneghan, R., Roberts, K., Schewe, J., Bianchi, D., Guiet, J., Daniel van Denderen, P., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Liu, X., Stock, C. A., Rousseau, Y., . . . Tittensor, D. P. 2024. Detecting, attributing, and projecting global marine ecosystem and fisheries change: FishMIP 2.0. Earth's Future, 12(12), e2023EF004402.   Online.  (added 1-29-25).
  • St. John, C. A., Timm, L. E., Gruenthal, K. M., and Larson, W. A. 2025. Whole genome sequencing reveals substantial genetic structure and evidence of local adaptation in Alaskan red king crab. Evolutionary Applications, 18(1), e70049.   Online.  (added 1-15-25).
  • Kimber, B. M., Braen, E. K., Wright, D. L., Harlacher, J. M., Crance, J. L., & Berchok, C. L. 2025. Less ice, more predators: passive acoustic monitoring shows variation in killer whale (Orcinus orca) presence in the U.S. Arctic with declining sea ice. Polar Biology, 48(1), 21.   Online.  (added 1-15-25).
  • Waples, R. S., Masuda, M. M., LaCava, M. E. F., and Finger, A. J. 2025. A method to maximise precision of the temporal method for estimating N in genetic monitoring programs. Molecular Ecology Resources. e14057.   Online.  (added 1-13-25).
  • TenBrink, T. T., Sullivan, J. Y., & Gburski, C. M. (2025). Exploring the use of otolith shape analysis to identify the stock spatial structure of dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis). Fisheries Research, 281, 107189.   Online.  (added 1-6-25).
  • Gardner, J. L., Long, W. C., and Swiney, K. M. 2025. Reproductive potential of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) across warm and cold stanzas in Bristol Bay in southwestern Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, U. S. 123(1): 1-12.  Online.  (added 1-6-25).
  • Jakobsson, M., Mohammad, R., Karlsson, M., Salas-Romero, S., Vacek, F., Heinze, F., Bringensparr, C., Castro, C. F., Johnson, P., Kinney, J., Cardigos, S., Bogonko, M., Accettella, D., Amblas, D., An, L., Bohan, A., Brandt, A., Bünz, S., Canals, M., . . . Mayer, L. 2024. The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0. Scientific Data, 11(1), 1420.   Online.  (added 1-6-25).
  • Gunn, J. C., Clements, S. J., Adams, G., Sterling, E. M., Moore, M. J., Volkers, T. N., & Eggert, L. S. 2024. Phenotypic homogenization and potential fitness constraints following non-native introgression in an endemic sportfish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.   Online.  (added 12-4-24).
  • Seung, C. K. 2024. Developing a port-level economic impact model for Alaska fisheries. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-492, 23 p.  Online.  (added 11-25-24).
  • Parsons, K. M., May, S. A., Gold, Z., Dahlheim, M., Gabriele, C., Straley, J. M., Moran, J. R., Goetz, K., Zerbini, A. N., Park, L., & Morin, P. A. 2024. Using eDNA to supplement population genetic analyses for cryptic marine species: Identifying population boundaries for Alaska harbour porpoises. Molecular Ecology, e17563.   Online.  (added 11-25-24).
  • Oke, K. B., Litzow, M. A., & Mueter, F. 2024. Shifting temperature-abundance relationship for Bering Sea walleye pollock consistent with northward expansion during exceptionally warm conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 749, 141-158.   Online.  (added 11-25-24).
  • Hollarsmith, J. A., R. Cates, A. Bishop, J. Starzynski-Hotch, S. Oates, and H. Wilson. 2024. Bringing seaweed cultivation into the classroom: a case study in rural Alaska. Journal of STEM Outreach 7 (1): 1–10.  (added 11-25-24).
  • Hollowed, A. B., Holsman, K. K., Wise, S. P., Haynie, A. C., Cheng, W., Evans, D. C. K., Hermann, A. J., Ianelli, J. N., Kearney, K. A., Punt, A. E., Reum, J. C. P., Stram, D. L., & Szuwalski, C. S. 2024. Development of climate informed management scenarios for fisheries in the eastern Bering Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsae034.   Online.  (added 11-25-24).
  • Seung, C. K., Kim, D.H.. and Choi, J.H. 2024. Effects of stock rebuilding – A computable general equilibrium analysis for a mackerel fishery in Korea. npj Ocean Sustainability 3, 55 (2024).   Online.  (added 11-21-24).
  • Kimmel, D. G., Crouser, D. C., Harpold, C. E., Lamb, J. F., & Spear, A. H. 2024. Rapid zooplankton assessment: Evaluating a tool for ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, n/a(n/a), e12707.   Online.  (added 11-13-24).
  • Sullaway, G., Cunningham, C. J., Kimmel, D., Pilcher, D. J., & Thorson, J. T. 2024. Evaluating the performance of a system model in predicting zooplankton dynamics: Insights from the Bering Sea ecosystem. Fisheries Oceanography, n/a(n/a), e12691.   Online.  (added 11-13-24).
  • Taras, B. D., Conn, P. B., Bravington, M. V., Kilian, A., Lang, A. R., Bryan, A., Stimmelmayr, R., & Quakenbush, L. 2024. Estimating demographic parameters for bearded seals, Erignathus barbatus, in Alaska using close-kin mark-recapture methods. Evolutionary Applications, 17(11), e70035.   Online.  (added 11-13-24).
  • Shelden, K. E. W., Brower, A. A., Christman, C. L., and Goetz, K. T. 2024. Distribution of eastern Bering Sea belugas from aerial line-transect surveys in 2024. AFSC Processed Rep. 2024-12, 57 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.  Online.  (added 11-12-24).
  • Brower, A. A., Young, N. C., Freed, J. C., Delean, B. J., Muto, M. M., Keogh, M. J., Raum-Suryan, K. L., Savage, K. M., Teerlink, S. S., Wright, S. K., Jemison, L. A., Wilkinson, K. M., Jannot, J. E., and Somers, K. A. 2024. Human-caused mortality and injury of NMFS-managed Alaska Marine Mammal stocks, 2018-2022. AFSC Processed Rep. 2024-11, 7 p. + Supporting file. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.,7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.  Online.  (added 11-12-24).
  • Zacher, L. S., Hennessey, S. M., Richar, J. I., Fedewa, E. J., Ryznar, E. R., and Litzow, M. A. 2024. The 2024 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf trawl survey: Results for commercial crab species. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-491, 228 p.  Online.  (added 11-12-24).
  • Fukuda, K., Hibiya, Y., Kastelle, C.R., Suzuki, K., Iizuka, T., Yamashita, K., Helser, T.E. and Kita, N.T. 2024. Radial transport and nebular thermal processing of millimeter-sized solids in the Solar protoplanetary disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotope systematics of chondrules. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Early Online.  Online.  (added 11-6-24).
  • Ledger, K. J., Hicks, M. B. R., Hurst, T. P., Larson, W., and Baetscher, D. S. 2024. Validation of environmental DNA for estimating proportional and absolute biomass. Environmental DNA, 6(5), e70030.   Online.  (added 10-30-24).
  • Longo, G. C., Minich, J. J., Allsing, N., James, K., Adams-Herrmann, E. S., Larson, W., Hartwick, N., Duong, T., Muhling, B., Michael, T. P., and Craig, M. T. 2024. Crossing the Pacific: Genomics reveals the presence of Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanosticta) in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Molecular Ecology, e17561.   Online.  (added 10-30-24).
  • Neidetcher, S. K., Arrington, M. B., Helser, T. E., Goldstein, E. D., Benson, I. M., & Waters, C. D. 2024. A novel approach for rapidly determining the reproductive status of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) using Raman spectroscopy. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.  Online.  (added 10-17-24).
  • London, J.M., Conn, P.B., Koslovsky, S.M., Richmond, E.L., Ver Hoef, J.M., Cameron, M.F., Crawford, J.A., Von Duyke, A.L., Quakenbush, L., Boveng, P.L. 2024. Spring haul-out behavior of seals in the Bering and Chukchi Seas: Implications for abundance estimation. PeerJ 12:e18160   Online.  (added 10-10-24).
  • Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Alaska Regional Office. 2024. North Pacific Observer Program 2023 Annual Report. AFSC Processed Rep. 2024-10, 128 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115. View Online.  Online.  (added 10-7-24).
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