The Fisheries Panel of the NOAA-Korea Joint Project Agreement (JPA) met to review progress in cooperative research in Seattle, 16-17 June 2015. The JPA is an agreement on marine science and technology cooperation between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF). The JPA is on its 15th year of implementation.
The meeting of the Fisheries Panel is organized as a conference for the scientists to report on their research and associated topics. Six Korean scientists traveled from Busan to Seattle to attend the meeting. The U.S. side had at least 16 main participants.
The reports given are summarized as follows:
1. National Emerging Issues (Anne Hollowed)
2. Korean National Issues -- New research vessel and research center (JungHwa Choi):
3. Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Developments (Michael Sigler, via Webex)
4. Arctic research project (SeokGwan Choi)
5. Stock projection models for assessing climate change impacts on marine fish and fisheries and update on Chub mackerel project (Jim Ianelli)
6. Recreational fishery economics (Chang Seung)
7. Comparative study on crab science and management between the eastern Bering Sea and Korean waters (Sang-Chul Yoon)
8. Vulnerable marine ecosystem project and fishery management training (Loh-Lee Low)
9. Short-term climate forecasts and update on “nowcasts” for recruitment of common squid and other fisheries species in US and Korean waters Nick Bond)
10. Spawning characteristics of anchovy, Engraulis japonica in Jeju Strait, Korea, with descriptions of environmental characteristics (Seung Jong Lee)
11. Otolith and ageing project (Tom Helser)
12. Investigation on biological parameters of pollock population in Korean waters
(Sukyung Kang)
13. Tamgu20 bottom trawl catch efficiency experiment - bridle herbing effect (Peter Munro, David Somerton and JungHwa Choi )
14. Habitat research to characterize Korean trawling effort (Bob McConnaughey)
15. Fisher Collected Ocean Data (Steve Barbeaux)
16. Observer Report -- Verification of protected species interactions in the Hawaii longline fisheries (Daniel Luers)
17. Overview of U.S. Arctic Research Program and Distributed Biological Observations (Phil Mundy)
The following projects and research tasks were recommended for 2016. Korea funds the travel costs to facilitate meetings of the scientific personnel for cooperative research and training. Other costs (salaries, etc. ) needed to run the projects are contributed by the respective cooperating Korean and U.S. agencies.
Project 1: Surveys and Monitoring – Four research tasks are planned: Observer Training, Fisher Collected Ocean Data, Survey Gear Technology, and Habitat Research.
Project 2: Climate Change, Stock Assessments, and Ecosystems -- Six research tasks are planned: Nowcast modeling, snow crab stock comparisons, management strategy evaluations and ecosystems research, Catch-per-unit effort standardization, otolith and fish ageing research, and status of Korean pollock stocks.
Project 3: Applications of JPA research for fisheries management -- Six tasks are planned: vulnerable marine ecosystems, fisheries management training, Arctic research, Management-Control-Surveillance systems and Capacity building, and fishery economics of catch shares