BSAI Introduction
GOA Introduction
Eastern Bering Sea Pollock Aleutian Islands Pollock Bogoslof Island Pollock
GOA Pollock
BSAI Pacific cod
GOA Pacific cod
BSAI Sablefish
GOA Sablefish
BSAI Yellowfin Sole
GOA Shallow-water Flatfish
BSAI Greenland turbot
GOA Deep-water Flatfish
BSAI Arrowtooth flounder
GOA Rex Sole
BSAI Kamchatka flounder
BSAI N. Rock Sole
GOA Arrowtooth Flounder
BSAI Flathead Sole
GOA Flathead Sole
BSAI Alaska Plaice
GOA Pacific Ocean Perch
BSAI Other Flatfish
GOA Northern Rockfish
BSAI Pacific Ocean Perch
GOA Shortraker/Other Slope rockfish
BSAI Northern Rockfish
GOA Pelagic Shelf Rockfish
BSAI Blackspotted and Rougheye rockfish
GOA Rougheye and Blackspotted rockfish
BSAI Shortraker rockfish
GOA Demersal Shelf Rockfish
BSAI Other Rockfish
GOA Thornyheads
BSAI Atka Mackerel
GOA Atka Mackerel
BSAI Squids
GOA Skates, Sharks
BSAI Skates,Octopus, Sharks, Sculpins
GOA Squids, Octopus, Sculpins
GOA Forage Fish
BSAI Grenadiers
GOA Grenadiers
Reports bound separately
Ecosystem Considerations Report (or access: Ecosystem web-page)
Economic Status SAFE Report
BSAI Plan Team Council Presentation
GOA Plan Team Council Presentation
Council proposed ABC, OFL, and TACs for 2010/2011 fisheries
Assessment archives
International Pacific Halibut Commission Assessments (offsite)
To N. Pacific Fishery Mgt Council