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Current ageing requests for AFSC Age and Growth Program

This is a dynamic summary of current ageing requests for All Species. Definition of terms are found at the bottom of the page. Go to definitions

Click on a column name to sort the table.

Requests in queue
Requests currently ageing
Released requests
Research collections

Age and Growth Home

Otolith Collection Database

Age Requests Page

Individual Species requests

Requests in Queue

Requests in queue are collections that have been requested for ageing but are not assigned to an age reader.

Species Group Request Number requested Request Type Priority Ready to Age
Arrowtooth Flounder B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey515 CA NA
Arrowtooth Flounder B 2022 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey482 CA NA
Arrowtooth Flounder B 2023 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey494 CA NA
Flathead Sole B 1997 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey301 CA critical
Flathead Sole B 2011 Gulf of Alaska observer collection453 NEA high
Flathead Sole B 2012 Gulf of Alaska observer collection260 NEA high
Flathead Sole B 2022 Bering Sea observer collection400 CA NA
Flathead Sole B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection400 CA NA
Flathead Sole B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey150 CA NA
Greenland Turbot B 2024 Special maturity project300 NA NA
Kamchatka Flounder B 2014 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey314 CA critical
Northern Rock Sole B 1997 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey556 CA high
Northern Rock Sole B 2019 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey328 CA high
Northern Rock Sole B 2021 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey NA NA
Northern Rock Sole B 2022 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey268 CA high
Northern Rockfish B 2022 Bering Sea observer collection686 CA critical
Northern Rockfish B 2022 Special maturity project163 NA NA
Northern Rockfish B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection679 CA NA
Pacific Cod B 1990 Gulf of Alaska observer collections200 NEA low
Pacific Cod B 1991 Gulf of Alaska observer collections300 NA high
Pacific Cod B 1992 Gulf of Alaska observer collections300 NA high
Pacific Cod B 1993 Gulf of Alaska observer collections300 NA high
Pacific Cod B 1994 Gulf of Alaska observer collections260 NA low
Pacific Cod B 1995 Gulf of Alaska observer collections300 NA low
Pacific Cod B 1996 Gulf of Alaska observer collections286 NA low
Pacific Cod B 1997 Gulf of Alaska observer collections200 NA low
Pacific Cod B 1998 Gulf of Alaska observer collections300 NA low
Pacific Cod B 1999 Gulf of Alaska observer collections100 NA low
Pacific Cod B 2000 Gulf of Alaska observer collection1000 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2001 Gulf of Alaska observer collection750 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2002 Gulf of Alaska observer collection750 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2003 Gulf of Alaska observer collection750 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2004 Gulf of Alaska observer collection750 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2005 Gulf of Alaska observer collection750 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2006 Gulf of Alaska observer collection750 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2016 BSAI ontogenetic migration special project930 SP high
Pacific Cod B 2019 Aleutian Islands observer collection219 CA high
Pacific Cod B 2019 Bering Sea observer collection1000 CA high
Pacific Cod B 2020 Korean special collection500 NA high
Pacific Cod B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection400 CA NA
Pacific Ocean Perch B 2022 special maturity study300 NA NA
Rex Sole B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey667 CA NA
Rex Sole B 2023 Gulf of Alaska observer collection106 CA NA
Rougheye Or Blackspotted Rockfish B 2022 Bering Sea observer collection1132 CA critical
Rougheye Rockfish B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey307 CA NA
Sablefish (Black Cod) B 2020 AI and GOA special collection400 NA high
Silvergray Rockfish B 2015 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey286 CA NA
Southern Rock Sole B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey498 CA high
Walleye Pollock B 2017 selected GOA hydroacoustic project184 NA NA
Walleye Pollock B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey743 CA critical
Walleye Pollock B 2023 Northern Bering Sea extension survey500 CA critical
Walleye Pollock B 2024 ADF&G special collection600 CA NA
Walleye Pollock B 2024 Bering Sea observer collection2500 CA NA
Walleye Pollock B 2024 Bogoslof winter acoustic survey800 CA NA
Yellowfin Sole B 2021 Northern Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey150 NA critical
Total number requested to date: Group A: 0, Group B: 27017, Overall: 27017


Requests in the Currently Ageing category are actively being read or are in the edit process.

Species Group Request Number requested Number Read Request Type Priority
Arrowtooth Flounder B 2022 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 925 138 CA NA
Atka Mackerel B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 1090 1077 CA high
Black-Spotted Rockfish B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 225 183 CA NA
Dusky Rockfish B 2009 Bering Sea Observer collection 46 46 CA critical
Flathead Sole B 1987 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 1084 0 CA high
Harlequin Rockfish B 2016 Aleutian Island groundfish survey 55 9 NA high
Kamchatka Flounder B 2013 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 519 276 CA critical
Northern Rockfish B 2024 Aleutian Island groundfish survey 441 NA NA
Pacific Cod B 1978-1986 selected cod from foreign observers 163 0 NEA high
Pacific Cod B 2018 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 584 576 CA critical
Pacific Cod B 2019-2023 special tagging study 800 0 NA NA
Pacific Cod B 2024 Aleutian Island groundfish survey 138 NA NA
Pacific Cod B 2024 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 1229 NA NA
Rex Sole B 2021 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 762 141 CA NA
Rougheye Or Blackspotted Rockfish A 2004 Gulf of Alaska Observer collection 413 NA NA
Rougheye Or Blackspotted Rockfish A 2015 December maturity cruise 291 0 SP high
Saffron Cod B 2017 Bering Sea special collection 0 NA NA
Silvergray Rockfish B 2009 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 0 NA NA
Walleye Pollock B 2017 Northern Bering Sea groundfish survey 132 NA NA
Walleye Pollock B 2019 Northern Bering Sea groundfish survey 220 NA NA
Walleye Pollock B 2024 BS EIT acoustic survey 2500 1802 CA NA
Yellowfin Sole B 2024 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 263 NA NA
Total number requested to date: Group A: 291, Group B: 35770, Group C: 0, Overall: 36061

Released Collections

Released collections are requests that have been aged, edited, and the data has been sent out to the user and RACEBASE or NORPAC if applicable. Requests are moved into this category when all collections are released. Only current and previous year requests are shown.

Species Group Request Number requested Number Read Date Released  
Alaska Plaice B 2021 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 522 518 7/30/2024 
Atka Mackerel B 2022 Aleutian Islands observer collection 1038 1033 10/1/2024 
Atka Mackerel B 2023 Aleutian Islands observer collection 1006 1003 9/26/2024 
Atka Mackerel B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 205 9/9/2024 
Black-Spotted Rockfish B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 647 601 9/9/2024 
Dusky Rockfish B 2022 Gulf of Alaska observer collection 919 610 9/16/2024 
Dusky Rockfish B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 327 326 9/9/2024 
Flathead Sole B 2022 Bering sea shelf groundfish survey 748 369 6/27/2024 
Flathead Sole B 2023 Bering sea shelf groundfish survey 670 370 6/27/2024 
Greenland Turbot B 2022 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 70 66 7/2/2024 
Greenland Turbot B 2023 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 84 75 8/26/2024 
Kamchatka Flounder B 2014 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 422 418 5/2/2024 
Kamchatka Flounder B 2015 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 453 453 8/26/2024 
Kamchatka Flounder B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 537 531 7/30/2024 
Kamchatka Flounder B 2022 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 318 318 8/26/2024 
Kamchatka Flounder B 2023 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 198 190 7/2/2024 
Northern Rock Sole B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 488 488 5/2/2024 
Northern Rock Sole B 2022 Bering Sea observer collection 513 513 5/2/2024 
Northern Rock Sole B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection 713 711 9/30/2024 
Northern Rock Sole B 2023 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 962 835 5/30/2024 
Northern Rock Sole B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 432 8/26/2024 
Northern Rockfish B 2022 Gulf of Alaska observer collection 637 626 2/8/2024 
Northern Rockfish B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 274 272 8/26/2024 
Pacific Cod B 2023 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 1424 1413 7/2/2024 
Pacific Cod B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 1137 1122 5/29/2024 
Pacific Cod B 2023 Gulf of Alaska observer collection 673 664 9/16/2024 
Pacific Cod B 2023 Northern Bering Sea groundfish survey 174 267 7/10/2024 
Pacific Ocean Perch B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection 1111 1106 8/13/2024 
Pacific Ocean Perch B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 955 2/8/2024 
Rex Sole B 2021 Gulf of Alaska observer collection 28 28 5/6/2024 
Rex Sole B 2022 Gulf of Alaska observer collection 101 94 5/6/2024 
Rougheye Or Blackspotted Rockfish B 2022 Aleutian Islands groundfish survey 47 47 9/27/2024 
Rougheye Or Blackspotted Rockfish B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection 725 770 9/19/2024 
Sablefish (Black Cod) B 2023 BS/GOA Longline survey 1200 1189 7/10/2024 
Sablefish (Black Cod) B 2023 BS/GOA observer collection 1200 997 9/26/2024 
Silvergray Rockfish B 2011 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 443 442 5/6/2024 
Walleye Pollock B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection 2500 2492 9/16/2024 
Walleye Pollock B 2023 Gulf of Alaska groundfish survey 1633 1625 7/2/2024 
Walleye Pollock B 2023 Gulf of Alaska observer collection 2025 2011 8/29/2024 
Walleye Pollock B 2024 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 2000 1527 9/27/2024 
Walleye Pollock B 2024 Shelikof hydroacoustic survey 800 741 10/17/2024 
Yellowfin Sole B 2023 Bering Sea observer collection 650 645 11/14/2024 
Yellowfin Sole B 2023 Bering Sea shelf groundfish survey 830 510 5/29/2024 
Yellowfin Sole B 2023 Northern Bering Sea extension survey 315 9/27/2024 
Total number released to date: Group A: 0, Group B: 29923, Group C: 0, Overall: 29923

Research Collections

Research collections are released and currently aged collections for developing an ageing criteria for a new species or other special projects.

Species Group Request Number requested Number Read Date Released Request Type Priority
Pacific Cod B 2014-2016 Korean Pacific cod project 0 0 NA NA
Total number released to date: Group A: 0, Group B: 0, Group C: 0, Overall: 0

   Last updated: Feb 10, 2025 8:57 AM PST


Group A ages Bering Sea and Aleutian Island walleye pollock, rockfish, and forage fish.
Group B ages flatfish, Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock, Pacific cod, Atka mackerel, sablefish, and sculpins.
Group C specializes in difficult species, including giant grenadier and shortraker rockfish.

The "number read" column is a count of ages entered into in the AGEDATA database that are given a single age. Ranged specimens or ones deemed unageable are not counted.

CA: Continuing assessment
FRP: Funded research project with new specimen aging request
NEA: New/enhanced assessment
SP: Special project (no previous request)
NA: Request type and request priority are unavailable because they were initialized before the prioritization system.

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