Trawl Impact Studies in Eastern Bering Sea
The Trawlex-01 cruise was conducted 15 June-15 July
2001 in the eastern Bering Sea to experimentally
investigate possible adverse effects of bottom trawls
on a soft-bottom community in the eastern Bering Sea
and to evaluate a state-of-the-art side scan sonar and
swath bathymetry system for exploration of benthic
habitats. Whereas earlier work focused on
chronic effects of trawling (Trawlex-96 and
Trawlex-97), the present study is a more
process-oriented look at short-term effects and
recovery. The 155-ft trawler FV Ocean
Explorer was chartered, and all scientific systems
were successfully implemented including an ultra-short
baseline (USBL) tracking system, two complete side
scan sonar systems with tow winches, a trawl
mensuration system, and a survey-grade integrated
navigation system with DGPS, two gyroscopic compasses,
and a vertical reference unit. All systems were
tested and calibrated during gear trials in Puget
Sound, Washington conducted 30 May-1 June.
During the Alaska cruise, biological, physical and
chemical characteristics of the seabed were randomly
sampled in six experimental-control corridor pairs (see
Figure 1). Individual corridors were
20.9 km long and 100 m wide, representing the
long-term average tow for commercial bottom trawls in
the study area. Biological sampling consisted of
15-minute research trawls for epifauna (n=72 total)
and 0.1 m2 van Veen
grab samples for infauna (n=144 total at 2 per
epifauna site). At each infauna sampling site, a
second grab sample (n=144 total) was collected for
characterizing carbon and nitrogen levels in surficial
sediments, as well as grain size properties. Sampling
effort in experimental and control corridors was
equally divided before and after fishing in the
experimental units with a commercial bottom trawl
(NETS 91/140 Aleutian cod combination). Each of
the experimental and control corridors was also
surveyed twice using a Klein 5410 side scan sonar
Preliminary observations indicate a very diverse
epifaunal community (approximately 90 distinct taxa)
on very-fine olive-gray sand at 60 m depth. The
seafloor appears to be brushed smooth in the
preliminary side scan imagery, probably due to sizable
storm waves and strong tidal currents that regularly
disturb the area. Occasional video deployments
on the trawls indicated somewhat greater complexity,
with at least some areas of the seafloor resembling
the surface of a soccer ball with marbled coloration.
Significant numbers of derelict king crab pots
were encountered, and there is evidence of extensive
feeding by walrus. Two conspicuous, as yet
unidentified, targets were also encountered. A
more detailed characterization of the area will be
possible once laboratory processing and analysis of
the navigation, sonar, epifauna, infauna, and sediment
data are completed.
The new NOAA Ocean Exploration program supported use
of a Klein 5410 interferometric side scan sonar
system. This fully digital, multibeam system
produces coregistered backscatter and swath bathymetry
with four side scan beams and one interferometric beam
each on the port and starboard sides of the towfish.
At this time, there are only three prototype
Klein 5410 systems in existence (France, Japan, United
States). Side scan backscatter images contain
quantitaive information about the sediment type and
general roughness of the seabed, while swath
bathymetry enables direct measurements of small
vertical features on the seabed. Both types of
information are important when investigating
relationships between geological features, benthic
biota and fishing gear disturbance. In addition
to data collection for an analysis of change due to
trawling, additional objectives of the deployment were
evaluations of advanced remote-sensing technology for
future broad-scale seafloor mapping expeditions and
the feasibility of using ships of opportunity for this
purpose. Approximately 950 line-km of seabed
were successfully sampled with the system and
protocols were developed for implementing state of the
art side scan sonar and navigation technology on a
chartered commercial fishing vessel. Additional
information about this aspect of the project is posted
on the NOAA Ocean Exploration web site:
The Trawlex project had considerable technical support
from its multidisciplinary partners. The U.S.
Navy’s Naval Undersea Warfare Center (Keyport,
Washington) provided side scan sonar and navigation
services at sea. The University of New Hampshire-NOAA Center for Coastal Ocean Mapping/Joint
Hydrographic Center (Durham, New Hampshire) assisted
with electronic systems integration and calibration,
as well as side scan sonar and swath bathymetry data
processing. The University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Institute for Marine Studies (Fairbanks, Alaska) has
responsibility for infauna sample processing and
surficial sediment analyses. Special
arrangements with Klein Associates, Inc. (Salem, New
Hampshire) made the Klein 5410 system available for
Finally, the Ocean Explorer charter with all
equipment was transferred to the U.S. Coast Guard at
the end of the Trawlex cruise to investigate the
unexplained sinking of the FV Arctic Rose in
the Bering Sea on 2 April 2001, which claimed the
lives of 15 persons. After a brief survey using
the Klein sonar system, the Coast Guard located the
sunken vessel in 450 ft of water. A remotely
operated vehicle was deployed and the identity of the
vessel was confirmed. Presence of the
fully-configured and staffed Ocean Explorer in
the Bering Sea greatly facilitated the Coast Guard’s
official investigation of the tragedy.
2002 Cruise Objectives
The trawl effects study will continue in summer 2002 with recovery
assessments in all six experimental-control corridor pairs. The
full biological and geophysical sampling regime will be used to
characterize changes that have occurred after a 1-year recovery period.
Using a Before-After-Control-Impact “BACI” experimental
design, baseline information on natural variability in control corridors
will be statistically factored out of the recovery responses observed in
the experimentally-trawled areas. A 15-day cruise aboard the same
charter vessel (plus 5 day weather contingency) is scheduled for
June-July 2002. Equipment mobilization should be
“plug-and-play” based on careful demobilization after the 2001
cruise. The experimental design will accommodate one additional
series of (destructive) epifauna sampling and multiple years of grab
sampling after 2002.
A possible second objective for 2002 field operations would be to use
the Klein sonar system for high resolution reconnaissance mapping of the
Bristol Bay seabed. These surveys are intended to detect
boundaries between distinct texture-bedform classes of seabed, rather
than synoptic mapping which is impractical for large areas. As a
7-10 day add-on to the bottom trawl study, the Klein 5410 sonar would be
towed on long transects that extend from coarse substrates near shore,
across the reworked sand “plains” found in the Trawlex study area,
through the sand wave habitats observed in 1997 and terminate close to
another shore. Management of fishery-habitat interactions would
benefit from the reconnaissance survey effort because, currently, only
simple case studies of fishing gear effects are being conducted in the
United States and elsewhere in the world. An inherent shortcoming
of this approach is the inability to extrapolate these findings to
meaningful geographic scales. Until it is possible to identify
regions with similar sensitivities to fishing gear and then place
replicate experiments in each, application of research findings will be
limited to the areas actually studied. Systematic investigations
will require knowledge of boundaries (and associated uncertainty) for
seabed types that support distinct biological communities. The
Bristol Bay work in 2002 would be the basis for developing protocols to
achieve this goal. Standardized measures of fish and invertebrate
abundance from annual trawl surveys covering the entire Bering Sea
shelf, including Bristol Bay, are available for boundary validation.
An important element of early work will be consideration of the
optimum resolution for data acquisition, since spatial resolution and
areal coverage (hence efficiency and costs) are inversely related.
Since the scale of biological response to environmental
variability is unknown, it is imperative that data acquired during the
Bristol Bay development phase is of the highest possible resolution,
thus enabling correlative analyses over a broad range of spatial scales
by a process of data decimation. From an exploration perspective, these
surveys would yield high quality information about a poorly described
By Bob McConnaughey.
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