Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations ( FOCI )
Ichthyoplankton surveys have been conducted by the AFSC in the northeast
Gulf of Alaska from 1977 to the present, primarily during spring. FOCI
scientists conducted a retrospective analysis of historical (1977-79)
larval capelin abundance in the Gulf of Alaska over a 17 month period in
four Kodiak Island bays and the adjacent continental shelf and slope.
The sampling provided an opportunity to examine seasonal and
spatial patterns in abundance of capelin larvae during a period when
adult abundance was high, prior to a decline documented during the early
1980s. Analyses indicate that in 1978, capelin populations in this
area spawned during the summer and autumn in inshore waters, with a peak
in spawning activity during June-July. Distribution patterns of
capelin larvae suggest that subsequent to hatching and emergence into
the plankton, larvae are transported from the bays and coastal zone
around Kodiak Island into adjacent shelf waters, probably by tidal
flushing and wind-induced surface currents. Mixing processes on
the shelf seaward of Kodiak Island, reflecting variable current patterns
in this area, are likely to enhance the dispersal of larvae as indicated
by the uniformity observed among distribution patterns of several length
categories of larvae. A comparison of larval abundance and length
between bongo and neuston samples suggests that capelin larvae greater
than 30 mm in length actively migrate to the surface layer. Our
observations represent a picture of capelin early life history during a
period of high adult abundance that has been linked to a cold phase in
the oceanographic environment of the Gulf of Alaska. This work was
presented by Miriam Doyle as a paper “Capelin, What Are They Good
For?” at the ICES symposium held in Reykjavík, Iceland in July 2001
and will appear as a paper in the ICES J. Mar. Sci. by Doyle,
Busby, Duffy-Anderson, Picquelle, and Matarese.

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Oct-Dec 2001
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