West Coast Continental Slope Bottom Trawl Survey
The RACE Division completed a 4-week bottom trawl
survey of the upper continental slope groundfish
resources off Washington, Oregon, and California on 8
November 2001. The survey covered the upper
continental slope habitat 183-1,280 m deep in the
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
(INPFC) U.S. Vancouver, Columbia, Eureka, Monterey,
and northern Conception statistical areas (U.S.-
Canada border, lat. 34°30’N). Sampling for
the survey began near the U.S.-Canada border in
Ninitat Canyon and progressed southward toward Point
Conception. A of 222 tows were attempted during
the survey. Out of 208 possible stations, 207
stations were sampled successfully. Results from
annual slope groundfish trawl surveys are used by
fishery scientists and managers to assess stock
conditions and establish annual harvest guidelines for
sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), Dover sole (Microstomus
pacificus), two species of thornyhead rockfish (Sebastolobus
alascanus and S. altivelis), and several of
the deeper-dwelling rockfish species. This was
the thirteenth RACE Division survey in a series dating
back to 1984 monitoring the long-term trends in the
distribution and abundance of West Coast upper
continental slope groundfish resources.
By Bob Lauth
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