Status of Stocks & Multispecies Assessment Program
DisMELS Workshop at NFRDI
Figure 7. Preliminary DisMELS model results for Korean market squid in the East China Sea and Tsushima Strait. Simulated squid eggs were released in early summer at three different spawning locations (A,B,C) and tracked (in grey) for 90 days. During this time frame, the eggs hatched into small paralarvae (blue tracks) and subsequently grew into larger paralarvae (red tracks). Courtesy J.-J. Kim, Pukyong National University, Busan, S. Korea.
In September 2010, Dr. William Stockhausen traveled to South Korea's National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) in Busan to hold a workshop for Korean fishery scientists on the use of the coupled biophysical, individual-based model DisMELS (the Dispersal Model for Early Life Stages) to predict recruitment for marine species with planktonic egg and larval early life stages. Travel for the workshop was provided by a project funded under the NOAA-R.O.K. Joint Project Agreement.
While at NFRDI, Dr. Stockhausen also gave a seminar in which he discussed using DisMELS to assess patterns of connectivity between spawning sites and nursery areas for marine species. He presented connectivity analyses for northern rock sole in the eastern Bering Sea based on a DisMELS model for that species developed in conjunction with AFSC scientist Dr. Janet Duffy-Anderson.
Jung-Jin Kim, a Ph.D. student at Pukyong National University in Busan, also presented results from a DisMELS model for Korean market squid (Todarodes pacificus) that he has developed in collaboration with Dr. Stockhausen (Fig. 7). His presentation included results from running the model backwards to identify potential spawning locations based on field sampling of older squid paralarvae in the Tsushima Strait and East China Sea.
DisMELS models have previously been developed for Alaska plaice and northern rock sole in the eastern Bering Sea as part of a study funded by NMFS' Fisheries and the Environment (FATE) Program. Other models are currently being developed for Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the eastern Bering Sea as part of a study funded by the North Pacific Research Board.