Distribution, and Abundance of Early Life History Stages of Marine Fishes
in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea
Bongo gear deployment during EcoFOCI
late larval cruise, May 2005. Photo by Ingrid Spies.
The Recruitment Processes Program at
the AFSC has been studying the early-life-history (ELH) stages of fish (eggs,
larvae, and early juveniles) since 1965. Our studies, conducted off the U.S.
West Coast, in the Gulf of Alaska, the eastern Bering Sea, and within some
of the most diverse and commercially valuable ecosystems in the world, depend
on the collection and identification of samples of fish eggs and larvae (ichthyoplankton).
These tiny creatures, most of which are less than an inch in length, help
us answer important questions about the status of our ecosystem. Information
about AFSC ichthyoplankton samples comprises a comprehensive dataset of locality,
distribution, and abundance information for ichthyoplankton in the Northeast
Pacific and Bering Sea in addition to an invaluable collection of specimens.
The consolidation of data, as well as data from other sources both within
and outside of the AFSC, form the backbone of the Ichthyoplankton
Information System (IIS). The IIS is an online, interactive, searchable
information system that is updated routinely. The IIS consolidates ichthyoplankton
ELH data from 1972 to 2003, representing almost 300 taxa in a single web
site, and provides up-to-date information on the ELH of fishes in the Northeast
Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The IIS serves as a versatile tool for a broad
user base including scientists in taxonomic and systematic research, ecologists
in larval fish identification, federal resource managers in preparing biological
opinions, federal scientists in determining essential and critical habitats,
environmental consultants, students, educators, and more.