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International Affairs and Research Collaboration

Cooperative Research with Korea

Research Reports
Spring 2014
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The REFM Division has the lead for cooperative research with the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) under a Joint Project Agreement with NOAA. The Fisheries Panel met in Pusan (ROK) in June to review the results of research conducted on 15 research tasks. The proposed budget for funding of these projects by MOF in FY2015 is $190k plus $50k for three new tasks. NOAA provides in-kind funding to the projects through personnel involvement that generally matches monetary funding from Korea. Fifteen research tasks are grouped under three projects, lead by REFM personnel for the U.S. side and Korean scientists from MOF. The table below shows the budget allocation for facilitating travel and other research activities for both sides.

Project Title and Tasks Funding NOAA Korea
Fisheries Panel  $240k  $110k  S130k
1. Observer Training 22 8 14
2. Vessel Monitoring Network 20 10 10
3. Survey Gear Technology 15 8 7
4. Habitat Research (new) 5 5 0
A. Surveys and Monitoring 62 31 31
5. "Nowcast" Model Extension 13 10 3
6. Snowcrab Stock Assessment 5 0 5
7. IFRAME Extension 6 3 3
8. Management Strategy Evaluation 5 0 5
9. CPUE Standardization 6 3 3
10. Otolith & Ageing Research 20 13 7
11. Korean Pollock Stock Status (new) 15 7 8
B. Climate, Assmt, & Ecosystem 70 36 34
12. Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems 30 15 15
13. MOF Officials Training 30 15 15
14. Fisheries Panel Meeting 18 3 15
15. Arctic Research (new) 30 10 20
C. Applications of JPA Research 108 43 65


By Loh-Lee Low

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