North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessments 2022 Pre December Council DRAFTS

Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluate (SAFE) for the NPFMC SSC/Council review
Note, Pre-Council/SSC drafts...revised from before the Plan Team meeting versions

Please "refresh" browsers, also some assessments are in an "off" year.

Ecosystem status reports:  

Aleutian Islands ESR

Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI)

Gulf of Alaska ( GOA)

BSAI Introduction
(with links to each chapter)

BSAI Entire SAFE (zip file, 120mb)

GOA Introduction
(with links to each chapter)

GOA Entire SAFE (zip file, 97mb)

Eastern Bering Sea Pollock
     Muti-species model supplement
     Aleutian Is. Pollock
     Bogoslof Pollock

GOA Pollock

Eastern Bering Sea Pacific cod
     Aleutian Is Pacific cod.

GOA Pacific cod

AK Sablefish

AK Sablefish

BSAI Yellowfin Sole

GOA Shallow-water Flatfish
GOA Northern and Southern Rock Sole

BSAI Greenland turbot

GOA Deep-water Flatfish

BSAI Arrowtooth Flounder

GOA Rex Sole

BSAI Kamchatka Flounder

GOA Arrowtooth Flounder

BSAI Northern Rock Sole

GOA Flathead Sole

BSAI Flathead Sole

Link to html update

GOA Pacific Ocean Perch

BSAI Alaska Plaice

GOA Northern Rockfish

BSAI Other Flatfish (off year)

GOA Shortraker (off year)

BSAI Pacific Ocean Perch

GOA Dusky rockfish (PSR)

BSAI Northern Rockfish

GOA Rougheye & Blackspotted

BSAI Blackspotted & Rougheye

GOA Dem. shelf rockfish 

BSAI Shortraker

GOA Thornyheads

BSAI Other Rockfish

GOA Other Rockfish (off year)

BSAI Atka Mackerel

GOA Atka Mackerel (off year)

BSAI Skates

GOA Skates (off year)

BSAI Sharks (combined with GOA document)

GOA Sharks (combined with BSAI document)

BSAI Octopus

GOA Octopus (off year)

BSAI Forage species (off year)

GOA Forage species

This information is distributed solely for the purpose of pre-dissemination peer review under applicable information quality guidelines. It has not been formally disseminated by the National Marine Fisheries Service and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.