Whole Prey Specimen Images

Whole specimen image results for Polynoidae (polychaete)

Note: Polynoidae, with 3 antennae, 1 pair palps, 2 pairs tentacular cirri, dorsum bearing elytra, 2 pairs of jaws. Polynoidae can be distinguished from Sigalionidae by having only simple neuroseate, whereas Sigalionidae have compound neurosetae (Banse and Hobson 1974).

Note: Polynoidae can be distinguished from Sigalionidae by having simple neurosetae only, whereas Sigalionidae has compound neurosetae (Banse and Hobson 1974).


Recommended Reference: Banse, K., and K. D. Hobson. 1974. Benthic errantiate polychaetes of British Columbia and Washington. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 185: 111 p.

Link to taxonomic information for Polynoidae (polychaete) at ITIS.gov

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