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Scorpaeniformes - Psychrolutidae

Psychrolutes phrictus (Blob Sculpin)

Illustration Meristics Life History ELH Descr. Distribution Footnotes
More information for this taxon at: LarvalBase | FishBase | Univ. Washington Data


Ref 1: Ambrose, D.A. 1996.
Psychrolutidae: Fathead sculpins. In H.G. Moser (ed.), The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CalCOFI Atlas 33, p. 841-843. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS, 1505 p.
Ref 2: Matarese, A.C., A.W. Kendall, Jr., D.M. Blood, and B.M. Vinter. 1989.
Laboratory guide to early life history stages of Northeast Pacific fishes. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 80, 652 p.
Ref 3: Nelson, J.S. 1980.
Psychrolutes sio, a new psychrolutid fish (Scorpaeniformes) from the southeastern Pacific. Can. J. Zool. 58(3):443-449.
Ref 4: Richardson, S.L., and B.B. Washington. 1980.
Guide to the identification of some sculpin larvae from marine and brackish waters off Oregon and adjacent areas of the Northeast Pacific. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. 430, 56 p.


1 Amaoka, K., K. Nakaya, H. Araya, and T. Yasui (eds). 1983.
Fishes from the north-eastern Sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido: The intensive research of unexploited fishery resources on continental slopes. Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association, 372 p.


A: Ambrose, D.A. 1996.
Psychrolutidae: Fathead sculpins. In H.G. Moser (ed.), The early stages of fishes in the California Current region. CalCOFI Atlas 33, p. 841-843. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS, 1505 p.
B, C: Richardson, S.L., and B.B. Washington. 1980.
Guide to the identification of some sculpin larvae from marine and brackish waters off Oregon and adjacent areas of the Northeast Pacific. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. 430, 56 p.

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last updated: June 2021