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Scorpaeniformes - Psychrolutidae

Psychrolutes phrictus (Blob Sculpin)

Illustration Meristics Life History ELH Descr. Distribution Footnotes
More information for this taxon at: LarvalBase | FishBase | Univ. Washington Data


Egg Diameter (min-max in mm):
Number of Oil Globules (min-max):
Oil Globule Diameter (min-max in mm):
Egg/Embryo Pigment:
Pigment Diagnostics:
Diagnostic Characters:


Hatch Size (min-max in mm SL):
Preanal Length (%SL): 51 - 58, increasing to 79 with development
Flexion Length (in mm SL): ~8
Length at Transformation (in mm SL): >13.4, <26.4
Fin Development Sequence: Pectorals, 2nd dorsal and anal, caudal, 1st dorsal, pelvics
Larval Pigment Regions: In each developmental larval stage, pigment is present in the regions listed below
(click for pigment regions)
Preflexion: mouth, crown, nape, cheek, isthmus, dorsal gut, lateral gut, ventral gut, anal finfold, pectoral fin, dorsal, ventral, mediolateral,
Flexion: mouth, crown, nape, cheek, isthmus, dorsal gut, lateral gut, ventral gut, anal finfold, pectoral fin, dorsal, ventral, mediolateral,
Postflexion: mouth, crown, nape, cheek, isthmus, dorsal gut, lateral gut, ventral gut, dorsal finfold, anal finfold, pectoral fin, dorsal, ventral, mediolateral, caudal,
Pigment Diagnostics: Larvae are pigmented over first quarter of the body, increasing laterally to the entire body except at tail tip; dorsal and anal finfolds and distal portion of pectoral fin unpigmented
Diagnostic Characters: Lack of head spines, prickles over body, globase morphology unlike any other cottid, loose outer skin, pelvic fin appears to be inserted in pockets of skin with only the tips exposed

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last updated: June 2021