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Myctophiformes - Myctophidae

Diaphus theta (California Headlightfish)

Illustration Meristics Life History ELH Descr. Distribution Footnotes
More information for this taxon at: LarvalBase | FishBase | Univ. Washington Data


Egg Diameter (min-max in mm):
Number of Oil Globules (min-max):
Oil Globule Diameter (min-max in mm):
Egg/Embryo Pigment:
Pigment Diagnostics:
Diagnostic Characters:


Hatch Size (min-max in mm SL):
Preanal Length (%SL):
Flexion Length (in mm SL): <6.9
Length at Transformation (in mm SL):
Fin Development Sequence: Caudal, pectorals, anal, dorsal, pelvics
Larval Pigment Regions: In each developmental larval stage, pigment is present in the regions listed below
(click for pigment regions)
Preflexion: dorsal gut, lateral gut, ventral gut, caudal finfold, ventral,
Flexion: dorsal gut, lateral gut, ventral gut, caudal finfold, ventral,
Postflexion: dorsal gut, lateral gut, caudal finfold, ventral,
Juvenile: mouth, crown, nape, cheek, isthmus, dorsal gut, lateral gut, ventral gut, dorsal finfold, anal finfold, caudal finfold, pectoral fin, dorsal, ventral, mediolateral, caudal,
Pigment Diagnostics: Distinguished from other myctophids with round eyes by: head unpigmented, postanal ventral melanophores (<15), melanophores at base of caudal-fin rays. Distinguished from Stenobrachius leucopsarus by: presence of pigment at caudal base, number of postanal ventral melanophores, postanal ventral melanophores appear more embedded
Diagnostic Characters: See myctophid photophore figure. Number of photophores in larvae (sequence of formation of photophores: Br2, PO5, PO1 [VO1, PO2, OP2, VO5, PO3, PO4, VLO]; photophores in brackets appear in late larval period). Distinguished from other myctophids with round eyes by: body moderately slender, head moderate in size and unpigmented, postanal ventral melanophores (<15), melanophores at base of caudal-fin rays. Distinguished from Stenobrachius leucopsarus by: pigment at caudal base, postanal ventral melanophores appear more embedded

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last updated: June 2021