Database: Samples have been returned from Polish Sorting Center, verified by scientist at AFSC, error-checked by the database manager, and entered into FOCI database.
Verified: Samples have been returned from Polish Sorting Center and verified by scientist at AFSC but have not yet been entered in FOCI database.
Returned: Samples have been returned from the Polish Sorting Center but have not yet been verified by AFSC scientist.
Sorted: Samples have been sorted at the Polish Sorting Center but not yet returned to AFSC.
Unknown: Sample whereabouts are unkown. Usually refers to samples collected in 1970s. Samples may have been taken or sorted for specific study and data never made available for inclusion in general database.
Unprocessed: Samples have been collected but not yet processed in the laboratory.
Unsorted: Samples have been collected but not yet sorted by Polish Sorting Center. Samples may still be in Seattle or at Polish Sorting Center but not yet sorted.