AFSC Publications Related to Communities
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- Regional economic analysis for fishery-dependent communities in Southwest Alaska
SEUNG, C. K., and S. MILLER. 2022. Regional economic analysis for fishery-dependent communities in Southwest Alaska. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-444, 51 p. Online. - Community-level economic impacts of a change in TAC for Alaska fisheries: A multi-regional framework assessment.
SEUNG, C. K., E. C. WATERS, and S. J. BARBEAUX. 2021. Community-level economic impacts of a change in TAC for Alaska fisheries: A multi-regional framework assessment. Ecol. Econ. 186: 107072. Online. - Sustaining an Alaska coastal community: integrating place based well-being indicators and fisheries participation.
SZYMKOWIAK, M. and S. KASPERSKI. 2021. Sustaining an Alaska coastal community: integrating place based well-being indicators and fisheries participation. Coast. Manage. 49:107-131. Online. - Fisheries allocations for socioeconomic development: Lessons learned from the Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) program.
SZYMKOWIAK, M., and A. HIMES-CORNELL. 2018. Fisheries allocations for socioeconomic development: Lessons learned from the Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) program. Ocean Coast. Manage. 155:40-49. Online. - Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2013
HIMES-CORNELL, A., and A. N. SANTOS. 2017. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2013. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-340, 195 p. Online. - Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities: a validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., C. MAGUIRE, S. KASPERSKI, K. HOELTING, and R. POLLNAC. 2016. Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities: a validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being. Ocean Coastal Manage. 124:53-65. Online. - Using socioeconomic and fisheries involvement indices to understand Alaska fishing community well-being.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., and S. KASPERSKI. 2016. Using socioeconomic and fisheries involvement indices to understand Alaska fishing community well-being. Coastal Manage. 44:36-70. Online. - Resilience strategies in the face of short- and long-term change: Out-migration and fisheries regulation in Alaskan fishing communities.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., and K. HOELTING. 2015. Resilience strategies in the face of short- and long-term change: Out-migration and fisheries regulation in Alaskan fishing communities. Ecol. Soc. 20:9. DOI: ES-07074-200209. - Assessing climate change vulnerability in Alaska's fishing communities.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., and S. KASPERSKI. 2015. Assessing climate change vulnerability in Alaska's fishing communities. Fish. Res. 162:1-11. - Changing usage and value in the Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) program
HAYNIE, A. C. 2014. Changing usage and value in the Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) program. Fish. Sci. 80:181-191. Online. - Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2011.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., and K. KENT. 2014. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2011. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-284, 171 p. (.pdf, 6 MB). Online. - Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2010.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., and K. KENT. 2014. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2010. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-280, 170 p. (.pdf, 3 MB). Online. - Indicators of fishing engagement and reliance of Alaskan fishing communities.
KASPERSKI, S., and A. HIMES-CORNELL. 2014. Indicators of fishing engagement and reliance of Alaskan fishing communities. AFSC Quarterly Report Feature (January-February-March 2014) 7 p. (.pdf, 2.9 MB). Online. - Local and traditional knowledge regarding the Bering Sea ecosystem: Selected results from five indigenous communities.
HUNTINGTON, HP, N. M. BRAEM, C. L. BROWN, E. HUNN, T. M. KRIEG, P. LESTENKOF, G. NOONGWOOK, J. SEPEZ, M. F. SIGLER, F. K. WIESE, and P. ZAVADIL. 2013. Local and traditional knowledge regarding the Bering Sea ecosystem: Selected results from five indigenous communities. Deep-Sea Res. II. 94:323-332. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.04.025 - Fishery income diversification and risk for fishermen and fishing communities of the U.S. West Coast and Alaska – updated to 2012, Appendix HD1, Appendix to: Human dimensions of the CCIEA.
HOLLAND, D. S., and S. KASPERSKI. 2013. Fishery income diversification and risk for fishermen and fishing communities of the U.S. West Coast and Alaska – updated to 2012, Appendix HD1, Appendix to: Human dimensions of the CCIEA. In P. S. Levin, B. K. Wells, and M. B. Sheer (editors), California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: Phase III Report 2013. (.pdf, 916 KB). Online. - Socioeconomic indicators for United States fisheries and fishing communities.
FELTHOVEN, R., and S. KASPERSKI. 2013. Socioeconomic indicators for United States fisheries and fishing communities. PICES Press 21(2):20-23. - Community profiles for North Pacific fisheries - Alaska.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., K. HOELTING, C. MAGUIRE, L. MUNGER-LITTLE, J. LEE, J. FISK, R. FELTHOVEN, C. GELLER, and P. LITTLE. 2013. Community profiles for North Pacific fisheries - Alaska. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-259 (Volumes 1-12). (pdf., 51 MB Note large file size). Online. - Improving community profiles for the North Pacific fisheries.
HIMES-CORNELL, A., C. PACKAGE, and A. DURLAND. 2011. Improving community profiles for the North Pacific fisheries. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-230, 85 p. (.pdf, 4.22 MB). Online. - Fishing rights and small communities: Alaska halibut IFQ transfer patterns.
CAROTHERS, C., D. K. LEW, and J. SEPEZ. 2010. Fishing rights and small communities: Alaska halibut IFQ transfer patterns. Ocean Coastal Manage. 53:518-523. - A quantitative model for identifying and ranking communities involved in commercial fisheries.
SEPEZ, J., K. NORMAN, and R. FELTHOVEN. 2007. A quantitative model for identifying and ranking communities involved in commercial fisheries. Natl. Assoc. Practicing Anthropol. Bull. 28:43-56. - Community profiles for west coast and North Pacific fisheries - Washington, Oregon, California, and other U.S. states.
NORMAN, K., J. SEPEZ, H. LAZRUS, N. MILNE, C. PACKAGE, S. RUSSELL, K. GRANT, R. PETERSEN LEWIS, J. PRIMO, E. SPRINGER, M. STYLES, B. TILT, and I. VACCARO. 2007. Community profiles for west coast and North Pacific fisheries - Washington, Oregon, California, and other U.S. states. U.S. Dep. Commer, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-85, 602 p. (.pdf, 7.42MB). Online. - Fish Scales: Scale and method in social science research for North Pacific and west coast fishing communities.
SEPEZ, J., K. NORMAN, A. POOLE, and B. TILT. 2006. Fish Scales: Scale and method in social science research for North Pacific and west coast fishing communities. Hum. Organ. 65:280-293. - Communities research at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center
SEPEZ, J. 2005. Communities research at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, p. 31-36. In P. Cullenberg (editor), Managing Fisheries Empowering Communities: Conference Proceedings. Alaska Sea Grant Program Report No. AK-SG-05-05, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage. - Community profiles for North Pacific fisheries - Alaska
SEPEZ, J. A., B. D. TILT, C. L. PACKAGE, H. M. LAZARUS, and I. VACCARO. 2005. Community profiles for North Pacific fisheries - Alaska. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-AFSC-160, 552 p. (.pdf, 18.2mb). Online. - Fishing communities of the North Pacific: Social science research at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center.
PACKAGE, C., and J. SEPEZ. 2004. Fishing communities of the North Pacific: Social science research at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. AFSC Quarterly Report Feature (April-May-June 2004). 11 p. (.pdf, 601kb) Online.