New Publication on the Ecology of Juvenile Salmon in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
A coastwide collaborative effort to synthesize current research on juvenile salmon ecology in the northeast Pacific was completed in November 2007. The fruit of this labor is the 247 page American Fisheries Society Symposium No. 57 titled Ecology of Juvenile Salmon in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Regional Comparisons, edited by C. B. Grimes, R. D. Brodeur, L. J. Haldorson, and S. M. McKinnell ( This volume contains nine chapters dedicated to the understanding of interactions between Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and their environment throughout their distribution in the northeast Pacific. Researchers from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California shared data and authorship for this book. ABL researchers E. V. Farley Jr., E. A. Fergusson, J. H. Moss, J. M. Murphy, J. A. Orsi, M. V. Sturdevant, F. P. Thrower, A. C. Wertheimer, and B. L. Wing authored or coauthored seven of the nine chapters. Other authors were scientists from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Northwest and Southwest Fisheries Science Centers, Oregon State University, and the University of Alaska.
By Joe Orsi
AFSC Scientist Participation at the Annual Meeting of the AFS Alaska Chapter
The American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter's Annual Meeting was convened 13 November 2007 in Ketchikan, Alaska, by its president Jamal Moss of ABL's Ocean Carrying Capacity Program. The theme of the meeting was "Fisheries Under Pressure in the 21st Century." Several other ABL staff participated as session leader or presenter at the meeting. Joe Orsi organized the session "Juvenile Salmon Early Marine Ecology and Biological Interactions." Alex Wertheimer presented a paper in the Hatchery Straying Symposium and participated as a panel member discussing the implications of hatchery straying on wild stock conservation and management. Jacob LaCroix, Jim Murphy, and Molly Sturdevant also presented papers.