Workshop on Models for
Alternative Management Policies for Marine
Kerim Aydin and Sarah Gaichas attended the first
meeting of the Working Group studying Models for
Alternative Management Policies for Marine
Ecosystems, funded by the National Center for
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa
Barbara, California. The Working Group is made up of
participants from both national and international
management agencies, and academic institutions
involved in science and fisheries management in five
North Pacific large marine ecosystems (eastern
Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, California Current,
eastern tropical Pacific, and central subtropical
Each of these ecosystems has served as the focus of
controversy over the ecological consequences of
fishery management practices, protection for
threatened or endangered species, and the relative
importance of large-scale environmental variability,
and each has been the focus of model development
effort using the common framework of an Ecopath/Ecosim
approach. By defining a common set of objective
criteria for evaluating conservation strategies,
economic goals and ecosystem management objectives,
the workshop participants will employ these five
models as the basis for evaluating policy outcomes,
clarify theconflict of alternatives, and provide
guidance to realistic expectation from management
Activities of the North Pacific Marine Science
Organization (PICES) in 2001
The PICES Annual meeting celebrating the
organization’s tenth anniversary was held 5-13
October 2001 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
The meeting attracted many scientists, including
many who had been instrumental in the initial
development of PICES as an organization.
Seven workshops, 12 topic sessions, and several
working group meetings were conducted. The keynote
lecture, “The first decade and beyond” by Dr.
Warren S. Wooster, provided the historical context
for the development of PICES as an organization and
its broad areas of scientific focus over the past
decade. The lecture was followed by the Science
Board Symposium, “Ten years of PICES science:
decadal-scale scientific progress and prognosis for
a regime shift in scientific approach.”
The first annual Wooster Award was presented at the
annual meeting to the late Professor Michael Mullin.
The award is to be given annually to an individual
who has made significant scientific contributions to
North Pacific marine science. Based on the
nominations received from the North Pacific marine
science community, it was clear from the very
beginning that the first award should go to Mike
Mullin. Mike’s excellence in research and teaching
and his broad involvement in North Pacific marine
science spanned many nations and disciplines. The
topic session held at PICES X on “plankton size
classes, functional groups, and ecosystem dynamics:
causes and consequences” and the special issue
that will result from the session were dedicated to
the memory of Mike. Dr. David Checkley, Jr., a
colleague of Mike’s at Scripps Institution of
Oceanography followed an example similar to one that
Mike himself had set many years ago by completing a
manuscript that Mike had nearly finished before his
death and presenting it in Mike’s name at this
PICES topic session.
The main scientific portion of the PICES meeting
lasted 4 days, compared with 5-day meetings in
previous years. The shorter meeting worked well and
participants seemed pleased with the number and
types of topic sessions offered. The Wednesday
evening session, dedicated solely to posters
including the TCODE electronic poster session,
provided an excellent format for interaction and
scientific discussions that we hope to continue at
future meetings. Participants came from several
nonPICES countries. Particular interest this year
was the participation of Mexican scientists.
The year 2001 saw continued progress in the area of
international collaborative field and laboratory
work by the PICES scientific community. The Marine
Environmental Quality (MEQ) committee’s practical
workshop on HAB species identification provided
practical training to scientists from PICES member
nations. The Iron Fertilization Experiment Advisory
Panel reported results from an iron fertilization
experiment in the western North Pacific and
discussed progress in implementing an experiment for
the eastern North Pacific. Finally, the PICES-GLOBEC
Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program (CCCC)
continued its 2-year study to initiate continuous
plankton recorder (CPR) monitoring in the North
Pacific and showed further results with regard to a
latitudinal gradient in maturation timing for
winter-spring dominant copepods.
PICES international collaborations are expanding.
PICES designed and produced the poster and first
announcement for distribution of the ICES/PICES/GLOBEC
cosponsored symposium on zooplankton ecology to be
held 20-23 May 2003 in Gijon, Spain. PICES agreed to
be a cosponsor of a symposium on the causes of
marine mortality of salmon in the North Pacific and
North Atlantic Oceans and in the Baltic Sea to be
held 14-15 March 2002 in Vancouver, British Columbia
with cosponsoring organizations NPAFC, NASCO, IBSFC,
and ICES. PICES is continuing scientific
interactions with Mexican marine scientists through
cosponsorship of a symposium on North Pacific
transitional areas in spring 2002 in La Paz, Mexico.
Many PICES scientific efforts were published in
2001. Four volumes of the PICES Scientific Report
series were produced in 2001: Volume 16 contains the
final report of WG 8 on Practical Assessment
Methodology, Volume 17 is the annual report of the
CCCC Program activities, Volume 18 has the results
of the PICES/CoML/IPRC workshop on Impact of climate
variability on observation, and prediction of
ecosystem and biodiversity changes in the North
Pacific, and Volume 19 contains the results of the
1999 and 2000 intercomparisons for carbonate
parameters. Many papers presented at the Beyond El
NiZo Conference in La Jolla, USA in March 2000 were
recently published in a special issue of Progress in
Oceanography, Vol. 49, entitled “Climate
variability and marine ecosystem impacts, from the
tropics to the Arctic.”
The PICES XI annual meeting will be held 18-26
October 2002 in Qingdao, the People’s Republic of
China, with the theme of technological advances in
marine scientific research. A 1-day Science Board
Symposium is dedicated to the potential for
implementation of technology to enhance the
scientific activities conducted by PICES
By Pat Livingston.
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