Stephani Zador and Sarah Gaichas participated in a workshop on the role of predator-prey interactions in marine ecosystem organization at Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis, 16-18 March. The workshop was part of a project co-organized by Kerim Aydin and Kevin Bailey (AFSC), Lorenzo Ciannelli (OSU), and Kung-Sik Chan (University of Iowa) and funded under the Comparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO) program administered jointly by NOAA and the National Science Foundation. Over 30 scientists from U.S. and European universities and agencies attended.
The primary purpose of the workshop was to examine the state-of-the-art in methods for scaling up from local observations of predator prey interactions to aggregative, functional, and numerical population and community responses at multiple scales, including regional resource management scales. Presentations included reviews of numerical and functional response representations to date, methods for scaling functional responses and spatial ecology of predator prey interactions, predator prey models used in fisheries and other applications, new statistical methods for cross-scale analyses, and management implications of predator prey interactions.
Stephani Zador presented a plenary presentation on functional and numerical response observations for seabirds. Sarah Gaichas led a breakout discussion group on models and networks. Discussion groups worked on the outline for a review paper summarizing the main findings of the workshop, which will be submitted to a peer reviewed journal later this year.