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Resource Ecology & Fisheries Management (REFM) Division

AFSC Quarterly
Research Reports
July-Sept 2006
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Age & Growth Program

Estimated production figures for 1 January through 30 September 2006.
Species Specimens Aged
 Flathead sole            1,888
 Alaska plaice               339
 Dover sole               838
 Northern rock sole               921
 Yellowfin sole            1,181
 Walleye pollock            8,648
 Pacific cod            3,812
 Sablefish            2,389
 Atka mackerel            1,467
 Pacific ocean perch            1,824
 Northern rockfish               817
 Rougheye rockfish            3,638
 Dusky rockfish               476
 Dark rockfish                 50
 Great Sculpin               400
Total production figures were 28,688 with 6,979 test ages and 298 examined and determined to be unageable.



Program Activities

The Age and Growth Program had two visitors during the quarter. Sonia Fang, a Pomona College sophomore intern, visited during July, to study fish ageing with Delsa Anderl. Sonia also aged Atka mackerel, but the focus of her study was California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis. Results from this study have been documented in a student poster entitled "How old are spawning grunion (Leuresthes tenuis)?" (.pdf, 70KB).

Our second visitor was Sergio Vitale, an Italian government scientist, who spent 26 June through 27 July with the Age and Growth Laboratory studying the ageing of Hoplostethus mediterraneus and Diplodus vulgaris using otoliths. It was agreed these species may be older than previously aged in the scientific literature and that further collaboration should proceed to attempt age validation using radiometric methods.

By Dan Kimura


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