Dr. Douglas DeMaster was named Director
of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center
(AFSC) effective 7 October 2001. Between
1998 and 2001, DeMaster served as the
Division Director of the AFSC’s National
Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML), where he was
responsible for research on marine mammals
in waters off Alaska, Washington, and
During that time
he worked closely with the Protected Resources
staffs of the Alaska Regional Office and NMFS
Headquarters in helping to write Biological Opinions
related to the potential impact of groundfish
fisheries in Alaska on Endangered Species Act-listed
species. He also served then as president of
the Society for Marine Mammalogy and vice-chair of
the Scientific Committee of the International
Whaling Commission (IWC).
Between 1992 and 1998, DeMaster lead the NMML’s
Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program. In
that position he conducted research on beluga and
gray whales and helped direct research on other
cetaceans of the North Pacific. He served as a
member of the U.S. delegation to the IWC Scientific
Committee where he participated in efforts to
1) develop a new management regime for aboriginal
whaling, 2) assess the status of stocks of
bowhead and gray whales, and 3) incorporate
environmental data in the management regime for
large whales.
Prior to coming to the AFSC, DeMaster headed the
Marine Mammal Division at the Southwest Fisheries
Science Center in La Jolla, California, where he
worked primarily on research related to the bycatch
of dolphins in the tuna fishery. Under his
direction, one of the largest marine mammal surveys
in terms of ship time and geographic coverage was
carried out from 1986 to 1992. The objective
of the research was to determine the extent to which
the practice of setting on large schools of dolphins
in the eastern tropical Pacific associated with
large schools of yellowfin tuna adversely affected
dolphin populations. During the survey,
abundance estimates for more than 20 species of
cetaceans were derived.
DeMaster is recognized as one of the leading experts
on marine mammal stock assessment and marine
mammal-fishery interactions. To date he has 58
peer-reviewed publications on marine mammals and an
additional 38 reports related to the population
ecology of marine mammals. In cooperation with
other NMFS scientists, DeMaster helped develop the
system under which marine mammals are managed in the
United States under the Marine Mammal Protection
Act. For these efforts, he along with three
others received the Department of Commerce’s Gold
Medal award in 1996.
Since receiving his Ph.D. from the University of
Minnesota in 1978, DeMaster has been an active
member of the academic community. Between 1991
and 1997 he was an adjunct professor at the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, where he taught courses
on marine mammal biology and population dynamics.
Since 1994, DeMaster has been an affiliate professor
at the University of Washington’s School of Marine
Affairs. He also serves on the Hawaiian monk seal
recovery team and as the chair of the southern sea
otter recovery team.

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