Habitat Use and Early Marine Ecology of Juvenile Salmon Studied
The Marine Salmon Investigations Program completed five research cruises
during 2001 in continuation of the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM) Project. The SECM project was initiated in 1997 to study the habitat
use and early marine ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus
In five sampling intervals from May through October, biophysical parameters
were sampled in inshore, strait, and coastal habitats along a primary seaward
migration corridor used by juvenile salmon. These habitats spanned the
geographic area extending 250 km from near Juneau westward through Icy
Strait to 64 km offshore in the Gulf of Alaska. Data were collected on
intra- and interannual variation of juvenile salmon size, distribution,
and abundance; predation by species such as spiny dogfish, walleye pollock,
sablefish, and immature and adult salmon; and biophysical characteristics
of the habitats influencing salmon growth and survival. Zooplankton samples
were collected to assess prey abundance, and fish samples were collected
to determine stock composition and whole-body energy content of juvenile
In 2001, 13 sampling stations were located in Auke Bay and along three
transects with four stations each in upper Chatham Strait, Icy Strait,
and Icy Point. Stations sampled in prior years at Cross Sound, Taku Inlet,
Lower Favorite Channel, and False Point Retreat were omitted to focus on
key stations and to free up time for additional studies (nearshore sampling,
gastric evacuation and diel feeding periodicity). The standard fishing
gear used was a NORDIC 264 surface rope trawl 24-m wide x 20-m deep fished
for 20 minutes per station from the NOAA ship John N. Cobb to within about
1 km of shore. Oceanographic samples taken included a 20-m vertical haul
with a 0.5-m diameter, 243-µm mesh NORPAC net; a double oblique bongo net
system sample (0.6- m diameter opening, 333-µm and
505-µm mesh nets) to
200-m depth or within 20 m of bottom; a 0.6-m diameter opening, 202-µm
mesh WP-2 net sample to 200-m depth at selected stations; surface water
samples for chlorophyll and nutrient determinations; and CTD casts for
temperature and salinity profiles (Table 1 below). To target the prey resource
potentially most important to juvenile salmon in the near-surface waters
they inhabit, a 20-m bongo sample series was collected with diel and systematic
samples in Icy Strait. When time allowed, replicate trawl samples were
collected in straits to increase samples of juvenile salmon for thermal-mark
analysis and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) estimates.
1. Cruise dates, numbers of surface rope trawls,
conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiles, plankton
samples by gear type, and water samples collected for the
Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring Project in 2001. |
net samples |
Date |
Surface Trawls |
Bongo |
WP2 |
Surface Water |
9-25 May |
4 |
13 |
13 |
34 |
5 |
13 |
26 June-2
July |
25 |
26 |
28 |
50 |
5 |
13 |
27 July-2 Aug |
28 |
28 |
30 |
50 |
5 |
12 |
26 Aug-1
Sept |
25 |
25 |
26 |
36 |
5 |
9 |
26 Sept-2 Oct |
28 |
28 |
30 |
42 |
1 |
9 |
total |
110 |
120 |
127 |
212 |
21 |
56 |
Process studies on juvenile salmon feeding periodicity and gastric evacuation
rates were added to the suite of SECM objectives in 2001. Diel samples
were collected over a 24-hour period every 3 hours at a single station
in Icy Strait in each month to examine feeding periodicity of juvenile
chum, pink and coho salmon. Shipboard gastric evacuation experiments were
conducted in May and in July by holding fish from single-haul catches in
live tanks at ambient seawater temperatures; we then sacrificed lots of
approximately 10 individuals per species every 2-3 hours up to 32 hours
after capture to monitor the rate of passage of food from the gut. In
May, beach seine-caught pink and chum salmon fry about 40-50 mm in length
were studied; in July, trawl-caught juvenile pink and chum salmon averaging
135 mm were studied. Information from the feeding periodicity and gastric
evacuation studies will be combined with size information to develop bioenergetic
models of juvenile salmon growth.
Over the 2001 season, 360 plankton samples, 56 water samples, and 120 temperature-salinity
profiles were collected, and 110 trawl hauls were made (Table 1 above). More
than 52,000 fish were caught in the trawl between May and September (Table 2
below). Most nonsalmonids caught were juvenile walleye pollock, eulachon, and
capelin from night trawls during the diel series. Sampling was not conducted
at Icy Point in August or September due to weather and time constraints.
Table 2. Surface trawl
catches of juvenile salmon by species and
total catch of immature-adult (Im/Adult) salmon and
combined non-salmonids by month in 2001. |
Salmon |
Month |
Chum |
Pink |
Coho |
Chinook |
Sockeye |
Total |
Salmon |
salmonids |
Catch |
May |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
56 |
56 |
June |
485 |
164 |
278 |
14 |
148 |
1,089 |
28 |
136 |
1,253 |
July |
1,358 |
1,387 |
367 |
24 |
165 |
3,301 |
74 |
4,303 |
7,678 |
Aug |
126 |
332 |
32 |
14 |
18 |
522 |
23 |
13,204 |
13,749 |
Sept |
108 |
638 |
19 |
35 |
129 |
929 |
4 |
28,751 |
29,684 |
Total |
2,077 |
2,521 |
696 |
87 |
460 |
5,841 |
129 |
46,450 |
52,420 |
By Molly Sturdevant
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