takes about 40 minutes from the Airport to the Novotel Centrum
and Metropol Hotel by bus (disembark at bus station CENTRUM) and
50 minutes to the other hotels plus a 10 minute walk (Grand
Hotel ? disembark at bus station DH SMYK, Sheraton Hotel ? at
bus station FOKSAL). Bus number 175 from the station 02 runs
every 10 to 20 minutes and costs 2.40 złotych (about $ 1).
Route 175
By Taxi it takes about 30 minutes to get from the Airport and costs 60 to 70 złotych
(about $ 20-25).
get to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
by foot it takes about 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 3
minutes, and 15 minutes from the Novotel Centrum, Metropol Hotel,
Grand Hotel and Sheraton Hotel, respectively.