Physical Characteristics and Ichthyofauna of Eelgrass Meadows in Southeastern
Alaska: Establishing Long-term Monitoring Sites
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows were sampled for physical characteristics
and fish assemblages and mapped with GPS (global positioning system) at
six sites in southeastern Alaska. Our goal was to evaluate physical habitat
changes and fish use on both a seasonal basis and from one year to the
next. This critical habitat is used extensively by many species (particularly
by the egg, larval, and juvenile life stages) including forage and harvested
species. Unfortunately, this habitat is vulnerable to human and natural disturbances.
Most sites were sampled in June 2001, 2002, and 2003, and in late January
2003. Surface sediments were also sampled for select contaminants (e.g.,
PCBs, PAHs, metals) at five of the sites in 2001. A total of 44 seine hauls
yielded 58,902 fish of 45 species; 18 of the species are included in a
salmon or groundfish fishery management plan in Alaska. The most abundant
forage fish or commercially important species captured (mostly as juveniles)
were chum salmon, Pacific herring, pink salmon, coho salmon, and Pacific
sand lance; mean size of each of these species was less than 100 mm (fork
length). The three most abundant noncommercial species captured were shiner
perch (Cymatogaster aggregata), threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus),
and crescent gunnel (Pholis laeta). The median number of species captured
was 15 in June and 13 in January. More fish were captured in summer than
in winter; mean catch per seine haul was 1,623 fish in June compared to
only 60 fish in January. The area of eelgrass meadows mapped with GPS ranged
from 434 m2 to more than 71,000 m2. Eelgrass density ranged from 336 shoots/m2
to 1,544 shoots/m2, and dry biomass ranged from 36 g/m2 to 71 g/m2. Mean
monthly water temperatures were usually lowest in March (range 3.8°-6.6°C)
and highest in August or September (range 11.0°-12.8°C). Contaminants were
either not detected or were in low concentrations at all sites.
Eelgrass provides important nearshore habitat for juveniles of many forage fish
or commercially important species, especially in summer. Periodic resampling of
these sites will allow resource managers to monitor gains or losses in eelgrass
habitat and changes in fish communities that may result from human or natural
By Scott Johnson and John Thedinga.
Alaska Sablefish Assessment
The final assessment for the combined sablefish stock from the Gulf of
Alaska and the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region was prepared by ABL scientists
during the last quarter of 2003 and presented to the North Pacific Fishery
Management Councils (NPFMC) Groundfish Plan Teams and Scientific and Statistical
Committee. The assessment showed that sablefish abundance increased during
the mid-1960s due to strong year classes from the late 1950s and 1960s.
Abundance subsequently dropped during the 1970s due to heavy fishing; catches
peaked at 56,988 metric tons (t) in 1972. The population recovered due
to exceptional year classes from the late 1970s; spawning abundance peaked
again in 1987. The population then decreased as these exceptional year classes died off.
The longline survey abundance index decreased 7% from 2002 to 2003. This
decrease follows recent increases, so that relative abundance in 2003 is 10%
higher than in 2000. The fishery abundance index also generally increased and is
6% higher in 2002 than in 2000 (2003 data are not available yet). Spawning
biomass is projected to decrease slightly (<1%) from 2003 to 2004. Sablefish
abundance is moderate; projected 2004 spawning biomass is 40% of unfished
biomass. Abundance has increased from a low during the years from 1998 to 2000.
The 1997 year class is an important part of the total biomass and is projected
to account for 31% of 2004 spawning biomass. The 1998 year class likely is above
average, although not as strong as the 1997 year class.
Because sablefish abundance has been low, we have previously recommended
recent acceptable biological catches (ABCs) of less than the maximum permissible.
Abundance now has increased to a moderate level. Abundance increased due
to conservative quotas in previous years and the strong 1997 year class.
The maximum permissible yield from an adjusted F40% (mortality rate) strategy
is 25,400 t for 2004 and 20,700 t for 2005. However, this 2004 maximum
yield represents a substantial increase (22%) compared to the 2003 ABC,
while abundance is projected to decrease slightly (1%). The probability
that maximum permissible yield will reduce spawning biomass below the benchmark
B30% (biomass level) in 5 years is 0.27. We recommended a 2004 ABC less
than the maximum permissible, either 23,000 t or 20,700 t for the combined
stock. The 23,000 t ABC is a moderate increase (10%) compared with the
maximum permissible ABC. This ABC increase represents a balance for a stock
that is now at the target abundance but is also projected to decline, and
the increase appears to be sufficiently risk-averse given that next years
assessment will reevaluate the stock status. The 20,700 t ABC is similar
to the 2003 ABC of 20,900 t; consistent with the abundance trend, this
ABC is the most risk-averse of the two recommended 2004 ABCs. Abundance
is projected to decline slightly in 2004 and continue decreasing thereafter.
The 2004 ABC of 23,000 t was recommended for the combined Gulf of Alaska
and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands region stock by the committee and was accepted
by the NPFMC at its December 2003 meeting.
By Michael Sigler.
Stock Assessment of Gulf of Alaska Slope Rockfish and Pelagic Shelf Rockfish
Updated stock assessments of slope rockfish and pelagic shelf rockfish in the
Gulf of Alaska were completed in November 2003 by ABL scientists. In contrast to
previous years, the stock assessment of slope rockfish was divided into three
separate assessments: Pacific ocean perch, northern rockfish, and
shortraker/rougheye and other slope rockfish.
The Pacific ocean perch assessment features a new index of biomass from
the 2003 biennial trawl survey, age compositions from the 1998, 1999, and
2002 fisheries, and catch from the 2003 fishery. The 2003 survey biomass
index was much lower and more precise than the previous three surveys.
A preliminary evaluation of uncertainty presented in 2002 indicated some
potential problems with model specification; to resolve these issues, the
authors constructed a new length-age transition matrix and relaxed some
model constraints. The base model from last year was contrasted with four
alternative versions. A model that includes two length-age transition matrices,
one for earlier length data and one for recent length data, and that estimates
catchability (q) and natural mortality (M) simultaneously was chosen to
compute ABC. The length-age matrix for the earlier data was constructed
to reflect slower growth of Pacific ocean perch when biomass was high.
This model fit the data much better than last years model, especially
fishery size and survey age data. Compared to the other models this updated
model fit the data better and provided reasonable estimates of q, M, and
current and historical stock status. The Pacific ocean perch ABC for 2004 from the
recommended model with harvesting at F40% is 13,340 t. The estimated
spawning biomass of 95,760 t is greater than B40% (89,800 t), where B40%
is determined from the average recruitment of the 1977-97 year classes.
Compared to the previous years assessment, the 2004 estimated biomass
and ABC are similar but slightly lower
The assessment for northern rockfish used an age-structured model identical to
that used in last year’s assessment. New input data included biomass estimates
from the 2003 biennial trawl survey, fishery catch from 2002 and preliminary
catch for 2003, age compositions from the 2001 biennial survey and 2002 fishery,
and length compositions from the 2003 fishery. Based on the model, the estimated
exploitable biomass and recommended ABC for Gulf of Alaska northern rockfish in
2004 are 95,149 t and 4,870 t, respectively. The northern rockfish stock is
thought to be decreasing because of recent weak recruitment. Compared to 2003,
the 2004 ABC decreased approximately 12%.
As in previous years, the assessments for shortraker/rougheye rockfish
and other slope rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska were not based on modeling,
but instead relied on biomass estimates provided by trawl surveys. Exploitable
biomass for each of these two management groups was estimated by the average
biomass in the three most recent biennial trawl surveys, excluding the
estimated biomass in the 1-100 m stratum. The 1-100 m depth stratum was
removed from the estimate because most rockfish in this stratum are small
juvenile fish and, thus, are not considered exploitable. This results in
an exploitable biomass of 73,000 t for shortraker/rougheye rockfish and
89,460 t for other slope rockfish. Applying a combination of F = M and
F = 0.75M rates (depending on the species) to these values of exploitable
biomass results in recommended ABCs for 2004 of 1,760 t for shortraker/rougheye
rockfish and 3,900 t for other slope rockfish. The ABC for shortraker/rougheye
was subsequently lowered to 1,318 t at the December 2003 NPFMC meeting
to ensure that shortraker rockfish would not be proportionately over-harvested
within the group.
A major change occurred in this years assessment for pelagic shelf rockfish
in the Gulf of Alaska, as an age-structured model was used for the first
time to determine exploitable biomass and ABC for light dusky rockfish,
the predominant species in the assemblage. This model is a modified version
of the northern rockfish model and was first developed in preliminary form
in 2002. In 2003, substantial refinements were made to the 2002 base model,
and all available data through 2003 were incorporated. The model estimate
of current exploitable biomass for light dusky rockfish is 50,380 t, and
recommended ABC for 2004 based on an F40% harvest rate (0.123) is 4,000 t.
Exploitable biomass for the three other species in the assemblage (dark
dusky, yellowtail, and widow rockfish) is computed using their average
biomass estimates for the last three biennial trawl surveys in 1999, 2001,
and 2003, which total 7,020 t. Applying an F = 0.75M rate to this value
of exploitable biomass yields a recommended ABC of 470 t. Therefore, for
the pelagic shelf rockfish group as a whole, total exploitable biomass
is 57,400 t, and recommended ABC is 4,470 t. This ABC is a decrease of
nearly 19% compared to the 2003 value.
By Dana Hanselman, Dean Courtney, and Dave Clausen.
quarterly Oct-Dec 2003 sidebar
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