Ecosystem Considerations in Fishery Management
The Ecosystem Considerations section for 2003, which accompanies the Stock
Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Reports provided to the NPFMC, was presented
to the NPFMC groundfish plan teams in September, to the NPFMC SSC in October,
and at the Ecosystem Forum of the NPFMC in December. The chapter content
and format are similar to last year, being primarily a status of the environment
document. The full document is available on the Alaska Fisheries Science
Center web site at .
More survey data on nontarget species were included, though trends in these
have not been thoroughly analyzed yet to determine if those are meaningful.
The chapter also was enhanced to contain more complete information on
bottom trawl, longline, and scallop fishery distribution for understanding
effects of gear on habitat. Data gaps still include information on lower
trophic levels such as phytoplankton and zooplankton. There were some
indicators of a shift in community composition particularly in Central
GOA with increases noted in forage fish such as eulachon, shrimp, and Steller
sea lions. More work is needed on trend indicators for HAPC biota and
nontarget species. Status and trend information for other managed resources
such as salmon, herring, and shellfish should also be included in future
Interpretation of observed changes needs to be done in the context of how
the indicator relates to a particular ecosystem component. For example,
particular oceanographic conditions such as bottom temperature increases
might be favorable for some species but not for others. Future evaluations
will need to follow an analysis framework that links indicators to particular
effects on ecosystem components, such as that provided in the draft programmatic
groundfish fishery environmental impact statement. This year, stock assessment
scientists began using indicators in this chapter to assess ecosystem factors
such as climate, predators, prey, and habitat that might affect a particular
stock. Also, information regarding a particular fishery's catch, bycatch,
and temporal/spatial distribution was used to consider the possible impacts
of that fishery on the ecosystem. We are still in early stages in using
this type of information in stock assessments. However, we anticipate
the information could be used to modify allowable biological catch recommendations
or spatial/
distribution of the catch due to ecosystem concerns or to target
further research that would be needed to quantify ecosystem impacts. Next
year, it is hoped that information in this chapter will be used in habitat
and ecosystem-level assessments to accompany the single-species assessment
chapters that traditionally comprise the Groundfish Stock Assessment and
Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) advice to the North Pacific Fishery Management
Council. These new chapters could assess aggregate effects of groundfish
fisheries on ecosystem and habitat and could result in advice regarding
changes in aggregate catch levels (OY cap), species mix of the catch, and
discard amounts.
By Pat Livingston.
Economic Status of the Groundfish Fisheries Off Alaska
The domestic groundfish fishery off Alaska is an important segment of the
U.S. fishing industry. With a total catch of 2.0 million t, a retained
catch of 1.9 million t, and an ex-vessel value of $543 million in 2001,
it accounted for 47% of the weight and 17% of the ex-vessel value of total
U.S. domestic landings as reported in Fisheries of the United States, 2001.
The groundfish fisheries accounted for the largest share of the ex-vessel
value of all commercial fisheries off Alaska in 2001 (56%), while the Pacific
salmon fishery was second with $189 million or 19% of the total Alaska
exvessel value. The value of the shellfish catch amounted to $124 million
or 13% of the total for Alaska. The gross value of the 2001 groundfish
catch after primary processing was approximately $1.4 billion.
A report was prepared as the economic appendix to the SAFE documents for
the BSAI and GOA groundfish fisheries. The report provides estimates of
total groundfish catch, groundfish discards and discard rates, prohibited
species bycatch and bycatch rates, the ex-vessel value of the groundfish
catch, the ex-vessel value of the catch in other Alaska fisheries, the
gross product value of the resulting groundfish seafood products, the number
and sizes of vessels that participated in the Alaska groundfish fisheries,
vessel activity, and employment on at-sea processors. In addition to data
from the groundfish fisheries, this report contains data on some of the
external factors which, in part, determine the economic status of the fisheries.
Such factors include foreign exchange rates, the prices and price indexes
of products that compete with products from these fisheries, cold storage
holdings, domestic per capita consumption of seafood products, and fishery
imports. This report also includes a summary of recent estimates of capacity,
capacity utilization, and fishery utilization for the vessels that participated
in federally managed commercial fisheries off Alaska in 2001.
The estimates in this report are intended both to provide information that
can be used to describe the Alaska groundfish fisheries and to provide
industry and others an opportunity to comment on the validity of these
estimates. The report is available on the Council's website at:
Social Science Workshop
The NMFS Office of Science and Technology sponsored a social science workshop
on 22-24 October 2002 in Silver Spring, Maryland. Workshop topics included:
1) spatial modeling in fisheries economics; 2) regional and headquarters
social science program overviews; 3) draft guidelines for National Standard
8 (fishing communities); 4) cognitive models of fishery management; 5)
nonmarket valuation methods and projects; 6) regional economic models;
7) recreational fisheries; and 8) commercial economics data collection.
Bycatch Management
The Economics and Social Sciences Program is participating in a renewed
NMFS effort to address the issues of bycatch. That effort includes preparing
a summary of NMFS and Regional Fishery Management Council actions to reduce
bycatch since the Magnuson-Stevens Act was amended in 1996, improving the
NMFS strategy for managing bycatch, and preparing a Federal Register Notice
in response to the Oceana petition for improved bycatch management. The
improved NMFS strategy includes the development of a bycatch website that
contains information about bycatch regulations and policy, bycatch-reduction
research, bycatch experts, bycatch data sets, conferences/workshops, and
technology-transfer efforts. The website is intended to assist the public
in understanding the bycatch problem, the efforts that have been taken
and are being taken to address the bycatch problem, and the commitment
of NMFS to meeting its bycatch goal. The website is at
Sociocultural Research
Jennifer Sepez presented a paper at the American Anthropological Association
meeting. The paper, "Unalaska, Alaska: Memory and Denial in the Aleutian
Landscape", explores history and globalization in Unalaska, an island in
the Aleutian archipelago. World War II debris still litters the landscape,
from concrete bunkers to sunken ships. Key occurrences such as the air
attack by Japanese forces in June 1942, and the "evacuation" and internment
of the native Aleut people were officially censored during the war. Since
that time, Unalaska has become the nation's busiest commercial fishing
port, and the relevance of wartime history to the current sociopolitical
landscape has become a locus of contestation between community subgroups
reacting to the socioeconomic changes of globalization.
Dr. Sepez also prepared the chapter on tribal communities for the NMFS
Socio-cultural Practioner's Manual. The chapter states that social impact
assessment (SIA) in tribal communities requires accounting for certain
considerations beyond those suggested for non-tribal communities. The
chapter addresses legal obligations stemming from the relationship between
tribal entities and the Federal government, certain community characteristics
and methodological approaches that are likely to affect SIA, and elements
to include in the analysis of tribal communities.
By Joe Terry.

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