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BSAI Other Flatfish ComplexThe "other flatfish" assessment incorporated biomass estimates from the
2002 EBS trawl survey and the 2002 AI trawl survey. The 2002 biomass EBS
and AI survey estimates for other flatfish species were 97,938 t and 8,801
t, respectively. In 2002, the species composition of the other flatfish
complex in the EBS survey was Dover sole (<1%), rex sole (27%), longhead
dab (10%), Sakhalin sole (<1%), starry flounder (61%), and butter sole
(2%). Relative to 2001, other flatfish increased. BSAI Pacific Ocean PerchPacific ocean perch (POP) are managed as a single BSAI population. In
2002, the POP assessment incorporated new information on fishery harvest
levels, fishery age, and length compositions and biomass estimates from
the AI trawl survey. The 2002 biomass estimate for POP from the AI survey
was 468,588 t, an 8% decrease from the 2000 survey estimate. Reliable estimates of
F40%, and
F35% exist for this stock;
therefore, the stock qualified for management under Tier 3 of the BSAI Groundfish FMP.
The updated point estimates of B40%,
F40%, and
F35% from the present assessment
are 137,390 t, 0.048, and 0.057, respectively. Projected spawning biomass
for 2003 is 135,000 t, placing POP in the EBS in sub-tier "b" of Tier 3. The maximum
value allowed under Tier 3b is 0.047. Projected harvesting
at a fishing mortality rate of 0.047 gives a 2003 catch of 15,071 t, which
is the recommended ABC. The OFL fishing mortality rate is 0.056 under
sub-tier 3b. Projected harvesting at a fishing mortality rate of 0.056
gives a 2003 catch of 17,856 t, the recommended OFL. Model projections
indicate that this stock is neither overfished nor approaching an overfished
BSAI Other Red RockfishThe other red rockfish complex is composed of northern, rougheye, and shortraker
rockfish. For management purposes, these species are managed in two groups,
Northern and Shortraker/Rougheye.
Other RockfishAssessment authors conducted a detailed examination of the available information
for assessment of the status of the "other rockfish" complex. Catch distribution
maps were created for the light dusky rockfish and shortspine thornyhead
complex. In 2002, sharpchin rockfish were added to the other rockfish
complex. Eight species have been confirmed or tentatively identified in
catches from the BSAI. These species include sharpchin rockfish, dark
dusky rockfish, light dusky rockfish, harlequin rockfish, red banded rockfish,
redstripe rockfish, yelloweye rockfish, and shortspine thornyhead. The
assessment incorporated new biomass estimates from the EBS shelf and slope
surveys and the AI trawl survey. The recommended ABCs and OFLs for 2003
are shown in Table 4. AI Atka MackerelThe 2002 AI Atka mackerel stock assessment incorporated new catch data,
the 2001 fishery age composition, and the 2002 AI survey biomass estimates.
The AI trawl survey biomass estimate was 772,798 t, a 51% increase from
the 2000 estimate. Age composition data indicate that the 1998 year class
may be above average. BSAI Squid and Other Species Complex
The squid assessment was updated by incorporating new catch information.
The 2001 squid catch of 1,810 t was approaching the ABC of 1,970 t. Squid
are managed under Tier 6, where the OFL is set equal to the average catch
from 1978 through 1995, and ABC is constrained to be no greater than 75%
of OFL. The average catch from 1978 through 1995 was 2,624 t. The maximum
permissible value of ABC for 2003 therefore is 1,970 t, which is the Plan
Team's recommended value. ![]() |
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