Personnel from the Midwater Assessment and Conservation Engineering (MACE)
Program began testing the Fisheries Scientific Computer System (FSCS),
designed and developed by NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations,
to digitally collect fisheries-independent data aboard research vessels.
The system will be installed on the NOAA ship Miller Freeman prior to
the 2003 field season. The system's components include LCD touch-screen
displays, digital scales, and electronic fish measuring boards, which are
used to collect catch composition information and biological data from
individual fish, including lengths, weights, sex, and maturity stage.
It is expected that the PC-based FSCS will speed up data collection operations
and reduce the transcription errors inherent in the historical paper-based
MACE scientists tested an acoustic communication link system during gear
trials aboard the fishing vessel Sea Storm in Puget Sound, Washington,
on 9 and 11 December 2002. The system controls an opening and closing
device installed on a frame fixed in the mouth of the trawl codend. The
opening-closing net will be used in difficult sampling situations, such
as when juvenile fish form continuous midwater layers and adult fish are
present lower in the water column and it is impossible to sample the lower
layer without contamination from the upper. With an opening and closing
codend, these layers can be sampled discretely, with catches from each
layer retained in different codends. The fully integrated communication
system is comprised of software, a computer-controlled acoustic transmitter/receiver
unit, transducers, acoustic releases, and associated cables, switches,
and batteries. Work on this system is still in progress. The next phase
of testing will be conducted aboard the NOAA ship Miller Freeman in January
By Mike Guttormsen.
Estimating Selectivity for Bristol Bay Red King Crab
An experiment designed to estimate Bristol Bay red king crab (RKC), Paralithodes
camtschaticus, selectivity for the 83/112 Eastern bottom trawl, the trawl
used in the annual Bering Sea shelf survey of crab and groundfish resources,
was conducted following the 2002 survey. Stock assessments for RKC utilize
relative abundance estimates generated from the most recent survey for
input into a length-based population model (LBA) to compute Guideline Harvest
Levels (GHL). This modeling approach assumes the survey trawl has 100%
capture efficiency (i.e., the proportion of RKC in the path of the survey
trawl captured by the trawl). However, this assumption is likely untrue
as evidenced by video footage taken during a crab resampling exercise in
2000 in which a number of adult RKC were observed passing under the approximate
center of the survey trawl's footrope.
In this experiment red king crab escaping beneath the survey trawl were
captured with an auxiliary net that was attached behind the footrope of
the trawl. Video of survey trawl footrope performance and crab interaction
with the footrope was taken with a SIT (silicon intensified tube) camera
on several tows where the ambient light level met the camera's threshold.
Operations extended from 21 to 29 July aboard the chartered fishing vessel
Arcturus, one of two vessels chartered since 1993 to conduct annual Bering
Sea surveys. Trawling took place in Bristol Bay at depths ranging from
41 to 77 m following standardized survey protocol that included towing
during daylight hours at a 3 knot vessel speed using standardized tow direction,
trawl wire scope ratios, and locked winches. A bottom contact sensor was
placed at the center of both the survey trawl and the auxiliary net's footrope
to monitor bottom contact performance. Two deviations from standardized
survey protocol were necessary. First, 15-fathom bridles were used instead
of 30-fathom bridles to offset the loss of wingspread caused by the added
drag of the auxiliary net. Bridles are known to have a herding effect
on many fish species but not for the slow-moving king crab. Second, tow
length was shortened to 20 minutes from the survey standard 30 minute duration.
Shorter tows were required as we observed during gear trials a trend of
decreasing path width over time as the nets filled and the drag increased.
Wingspreads over a 20 minute tow with the experimental gear were nearly
the same as the standard gear for a 30 minute tow.
Towing sites were selected based upon carapace length (CL) frequency distributions
obtained from the recently completed survey. Because selectivity curves
are most useful when they cover a broad portion of the entire size range
of an animal, emphasis was placed on searching for sites where the smallest
and largest RKC had occurred. Tows were made in pairs, one tow in a northerly
direction the other heading to the south in order to mitigate any data
bias due to a current flow effect which could potentially cause the footrope
to lift. The direction of the first tow in each pair was randomly determined.
Increased effort was given to those sites producing favorable numbers
and crab lengths by adding additional towing pairs.

Figure 7. Total number (circles) of male red king crab caught and grouped
into 5-mm intervals, and computed capture efficiency (triangles) over 43
experimental tows using the 83/112 Eastern survey trawl fitted with an auxiliary
Length measurements from 43 successful tows (21 pairs plus 1 tow using
the appropriate combination of experimental trawl gear made during gear
trials) made in the vicinity of 14 standard Bering Sea survey stations
were included for selectivity analyses. A total of 3,233 RKC were measured.
Male samples numbering 1,667 individuals ranged in size from 20 to 180
mm CL. Females numbering 1,566 individuals ranged in size from 50 to 160
mm CL. Figures 7 (above) and 8 (below) show capture efficiencies (triangles) and capture
frequencies (circles) for male and female RKC binned into 5 mm length groups.
The y-axis scale extends 0-200 for total numbers caught and 0%-100% for
capture efficiency data. For the purpose of this preliminary report, the
capture efficiency data has been fit using simple linear regression.

Figure 8. Total number (circles) of female red king crab caught, grouped
into 5-mm intervals, and computed capture efficiency (triangles) over 43
experimental tows using the 83/112 Eastern survey trawl fitted with an auxiliary
The 2002 experiment confirmed that escapement of adult Bristol Bay RKC
beneath the footrope of our survey trawl was occurring as evidenced by
our videos taken in 2000 and that while capture efficiency increases with
size, it is not 100% as assumed in current stock assessments. Furthermore,
trawl selectivity, although similar between sexes, was generally 10% higher
for males than females.
Input included into the stock assessment modeling process for Bristol Bay
RKC are survey catch statistics for legal-sized males (≥135 mm CL), male
prerecruits (94-134 mm CL), the estimated mature biomass of males (≥120
mm CL), and the estimated mature biomass of spawning females as determined
from the size at 50% maturity (≥90 mm CL). Our preliminary regression-based
estimates of selectivity for legal-sized males up to 180 mm CL ranged from
83% to 87%. Selectivity of prerecruit males included in the modeling process
ranged from 78% to 83% and for the mature portion of the male spawning
population from 81% to 87%. Survey trawl efficiency for the female portion
of the spawning RKC population ranged from 68% to 76% for animals up to
160 mm. More detailed analyses are to be applied to this data to assist
the stock assessment process in the near future.
By Ken Weinberg and Bob Otto.

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