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Alaska Sablefish AssessmentThe 2003 sablefish assessment for the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian
Islands stock of sablefish was presented to the North Pacific Fishery Management
Council's (NPFMC) Groundfish Plan Teams and Scientific and Statistical
Committee. The assessment showed that sablefish abundance increased during
the mid-1960s due to strong year classes from the late 1950s and 1960s.
Abundance subsequently dropped during the 1970s due to heavy fishing; catches
peaked at 56,988 metric tons (t) in 1972. The population recovered due
to exceptional year classes from the late 1970s, and spawning abundance
peaked again in 1987. The population then decreased as these exceptional
year classes died off. Stock Assessment of Gulf of Alaska Slope Rockfish and Pelagic Shelf RockfishUpdated stock assessments of slope rockfish and pelagic shelf rockfish
in the Gulf of Alaska were completed in November 2002. The assessments
for Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) and northern rockfish (S. polyspinis),
members of the slope rockfish assemblage, use age-structured models. The
estimated exploitable biomass for 2003 is 298,820 t for Pacific ocean perch
and 105,260 t for northern rockfish. The Pacific ocean perch stock is increasing,
whereas the northern rockfish stock is decreasing because of recent weak
recruitment. The assessments of the other species of slope rockfish and
pelagic shelf rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska are not based on modeling,
but instead rely exclusively on biomass estimates provided by trawl surveys.
Because no trawl survey was conducted in 2002, estimates of exploitable
biomass and recommendations of ABC for 2003 remain the same as for 2002. Pacific Sleeper Shark Relative Abundance Trends in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering SeaPacific sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus) are deepwater sharks of the
North Pacific Ocean that have been suggested as a source of Steller sea
lion mortality. Some information also suggests that Pacific sleeper shark
abundance is increasing. We analyzed existing Pacific sleeper shark data
from fishery independent longline surveys in the Gulf of Alaska and the
Bering Sea, to determine the trend in abundance and whether any change
was statistically significant. Relative population numbers (RPNs) of Pacific
sleeper sharks captured in the NMFS domestic sablefish longline surveys
increased from a low of 79 in 1988 to a high of 1,779 in 2000. The most
substantial increase in RPNs occurred between 1992 and 1993, and RPNs remained
high from 1994 to 2000. For Pacific sleeper shark RPNs in the longline
surveys between the years 1989 and 2000, 95% bootstrap confidence intervals
did not overlap for all years. This suggests that there has been a significant
increase (at the 95% confidence level) in the relative abundance of Pacific
sleeper sharks captured in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea for some years
during this period. The increase in RPNs was driven largely by Pacific
sleeper shark catches in Shelikof Trough, a deepwater Gulf of Alaska gully
on the continental shelf between Kodiak Island and the Alaska Peninsula.
Pacific sleeper sharks appeared to be relatively abundant in this area.
Pacific sleeper sharks may be relatively abundant in other areas, such
as on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea at
depths less than 200 m, but these areas are not routinely sampled by the
sablefish longline survey. Sablefish Product Recovery RateA cooperative project between the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association
and the ABL was conducted to estimate a Product Recovery Rate (PRR) for
round, bled sablefish. Most sablefish longline fishermen in Alaska bleed
their sablefish before delivering them to shoreside processors, where the
catch is weighed. A PRR is used to convert the weight of the bled, landed
fish to the original whole or round weight when the fish were caught. Thus,
the PRR affects the weight subtracted from a fisherman's Individual Fishing
Quota share and the estimated catch used in quota management and stock
assessment. An accurate PRR is necessary for an accurate determination
of round weight, but there has been little research to determine the best
value of the PRR. To address this problem, an experiment was performed
at the request of the NMFS Alaska Regional Office and the fishing industry.
The experiment was conducted 25-26 July 2002 on the upper continental slope
near Yakutat Bay in the Gulf of Alaska, during the annual sablefish longline
survey aboard the chartered fishing vessel Alaskan Leader. First, selected
sablefish were weighed in a closed plastic tube to still the fish. These
fish were then marked with a unique tag, and the two most posterior gill
rakers on the fish's right side were cut to bleed the fish. Two subsamples
were collected to test the effect of industry practice on blood loss. One
subsample of fish was placed in a tank filled with flowing seawater to
bleed. Another subsample of fish was placed in a tub with no seawater to
bleed. The ratios of the post-bleeding and live weights were computed for
each sampled sablefish. Video Documents Aleutian Islands Coral and Sponge Habitat
A video documentary on Aleutian Islands coral habitat entitled "Coral Gardens of Aleutians" documents exploration of coral and sponge habitat in July 2002 in the vicinity of Adak Island using the manned submersible Delta. The video contains footage of habitat consisting of high density gardens of corals, sponges, and other sessile invertebrates. Highlighted are submersible dives that took place in the vicinity of an underwater volcano and in areas of fishing activities. Commentary is provided by ABL scientists that participated in the exploration. Copies of the video are available from Jon Heifetz at the ABL or on the ABL website Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic HabitatsIn November, five ABL staff members attended the "Symposium on Effects
of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats" in Tampa, Florida. The symposium
was cosponsored by the Ecological Society of America, the American Fisheries
Society, the U.S. Geological Survey, and NOAA. More than 100 posters and
40 oral presentations were submitted at the 3-day symposium, which was
attended by more than 300 people from several countries. Robert Stone
gave an oral presentation titled "Effects of Bottom Trawling on Soft-Sediment
Epibenthic Communities in the Gulf of Alaska." The study used a submersible
to make in situ observations of benthic communities and to make comparisons
between areas open and closed to bottom trawling. Conclusions included
that prey taxa and biogenic structures were more common in the closed area.
Patrick Malecha submitted a poster presentation titled "Living Substrate
in Alaska: Distribution, Abundance, and Species Associations." This retrospective
study used historical trawl survey data to map the distribution of anemones,
sea whips, sea pens, ascidians, bryozoans, and sponges in Alaskan waters.
Both presentations, along with manuscripts, were submitted for publication
in a forthcoming volume of symposium proceedings. ![]() |
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