JFM 2000 Quarterly Rpt. sidebar

in At-Sea Electronics
and Data Collection
Report for Jan-Feb-Mar 2000)
by Robin Harrison

Figure 1. A trawl
mensuration computer in use in the
wheelhouse of an AFSC survey vessel.
A major
responsibility of the Groundfish
Assessment Program of the Alaska Fisheries
Science Center’s Resource Assessment and
Conservation Engineering (RACE) Division is to
conduct bottom trawl survey assessments of marine
fish and invertebrate species of the North Pacific
Ocean and Bering Sea. Survey results are utilized in
a range of research activities, the most important
of which is to provide estimates of fish and crab
abundance which are utilized as model parameters in
annual stock assessments for fisheries managed by
the North Pacific and Pacific Fishery Management
Many RACE Division bottom trawl surveys are
conducted from a number of chartered fishing
vessels. It is important to maintain
consistency in how the research trawls are fished
between different vessels and from tow-to-tow so
that survey results reflect accurate catch rates and
not differences between vessels and fishing methods.
Accurate information about the performance of
the trawl (width and height of the trawl opening and
contact of the footrope with the seafloor) and the
distance fished (the linear distance of ocean bottom
swept by the trawl) are important measurements
needed to calculate biomass and to determine if the
trawl is fishing properly.
Over the past 25 years, RACE scientists have worked
to improve their knowledge of the performance
of and area covered by the trawls used in their
survey work. In the past decade, improvements
in computer software and hardware, in conjunction
with advances in the technology of fishing gear
mensuration instrumentation, have allowed us to
integrate information on trawl performance, fishing
effort, catch, and biological data collections
aboard ship. These advances have improved the
quality of data collected, improved our ability to
maintain consistency in the fishing operations
between different vessels, and reduced the time
needed to analyze the data and produce the survey
Trawl Mensuration
One of the greatest challenges in conducting
RACE trawl surveys has been to properly measure the
area fished by the trawl during a tow. Because
the survey data are used to estimate fish abundance
through application of the area-swept technique,
accurate estimates of the width and length of
the area towed are very important. During the
1970s, experimental work conducted by Fred Wathne of
the RACE Division assessed the average spread and
height of RACE standard research trawls. The average
values were used to derive area-swept biomass
estimates. During the 1980s, acoustic trawl
mensuration gear became a standard part of survey
instrumentation to monitor and record the spread of
the trawl wings and height of the trawl opening;
however, data were not available for all hauls, so
trawl mensuration parameters for many hauls were
estimated using data from similar tows for which
mensuration data was available. In the 1990s,
use of trawl mensuration equipment and measurements
became the standard on most tows (Figure
1 above). Today, most tows have measured
values for trawl height and width.
Originally, the length of the tow (both in time and
distance traveled) was estimated from events during
the fishing process that could be observed from the
vessel’s bridge or deck. A tow began with
the setting of the trawl winch brakes and ended when
the winches began to retrieve the trawl from the
bottom. The distance covered by the vessel
during a tow was calculated as the time between
these events multiplied by the average vessel speed.
The area swept by the trawl was estimated by the
length of the tow times the average net width
for the tow.
With the application of global positioning system
(GPS) technology to RACE surveys it became possible
to more accurately measure the distance traveled
during a tow and coordinate all the trawl
mensuration data with an actual position. The
RACE Division currently uses a military-grade GPS
receiver. Scangraph, the in-house software
program developed by the RACE Division to collect
trawl mensuration data on personal computers
(PC) , was modified to simultaneously collect trawl
configuration measurements and GPS position data.
The current version of Scangraph allows the
individual who monitors trawl performance from the
vessel’s bridge to observe height and width
measurements, geographic position, and elapsed time
in a windowed-PC environment in real time during the
tow. Using the program, the user can log
important events such as setting the brakes of the
winches, beginning of towing configuration, haulback,
and other events while the trawl is towed. A
histogram of trawl height and spread allows tracking
trawl configuration and performance over the length
of the tow (Figure
In 1993, RACE scientists began collecting
depth and temperature data with an MBT (microbathy-thermograph)
attached to the trawl (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Scanmar headrope
height sensor microbathy-
thermograph mounted on the headrope.
The instrument
collects data during a tow and stores the data in
memory. The data stored in the MBT is
downloaded through a standard serial port to the
trawl mensuration computer at the conclusion of the
tow. The MBT and trawl mensuration data
provide information on the behavior of the trawl,
showing descent and ascent rates, trawl height and
width, and bottom contact. However, these data do
not provide information on contact of the footrope
with the ocean floor, an important aspect of trawl
performance that minimizes escapement of fish under
the net.
In 1994 Scott McEntire of the RACE Division
developed a bottom contact sensor (BCS) to attach to
the footrope of the trawl to record the angle of the
BCS in relation to the footrope
(Figure 4).

Figure 4. Bottom contact
sensor mounted on footrope.
The BCS remains
vertically in the water column until the footrope
contacts the bottom, whereupon the BCS is forced to
move into a more horizontal position until the
footrope leaves the bottom. The data from the
BCS is downloaded at the conclusion of each tow via
an optical data shuttle and then downloaded to the
trawl mensuration computer. The combination of
data received from the net mensuration system, the
GPS receiver, the MBT, and the bottom contact sensor
give an accurate measure of the configuration and
performance of the trawl during towing and provide
the information necessary to determine if the tow is
valid or if it needs to be repeated.
At the conclusion of the tow, the trawl mensuration
and GPS data are integrated with the data
downloaded from the MBT and BCS. The Scanplot
software integrates these data. To standardize
the time of each event measured and recorded during
the tow, the clocks of all instruments are set to
the trawl mensuration computer clock which is
updated each haul directly from the GPS satellites.
Scanplot provides the user plots of the trawl
height and spread, MBT data, and BCS data in four
separate stacked panels with a moveable cursor bar (Figure
5). The user moves the cursor bar to
line up the events from all devices and determines
the official beginning and end of the tow based on
all available data, with priority given to the
results from the BCS showing bottom contact of the
footrope. A tow is defined as beginning when
the footrope has contacted the seafloor and ending
when contact ceases after haulback. A plot
from a standard tow shows the vertical opening of
the trawl decrease and the width of the trawl increase
as bottom contact is initiated. A subsequent
leveling off of the depth shown from the MBT depth
data also occurs. Since the MBT and BCS data
are not available until after the tow is completed,
the trawl height and spread data displayed in
real time are used to estimate the “on bottom”
event and intitiate timing the duration of the
Deviations from the standard trawl configuration can
signal potential trawl or seafloor substrate
problems (trawl caught on bottom, for example) which
can be examined after the tow is completed and when
the MBT and BCS data also are available. Observations
from sequential tows allow close estimation of tow
length from the combination of available data if one
source of data is absent due to instrument failure.
After determination of the start and end times
of the tow, the Scanplot program calculates the time
and distance fished (linear length) of the tow,
average height and width of the trawl, average
bottom depth and temperature, and other summary tow
data, such as number of signals received from the
trawl mensuration transducers.
These advances have substantially improved our
knowledge of trawl performance during the tow and
improved our estimates of the area “swept” by
the trawl and, consequently, our resulting estimates
of fish and crab abundance.
At-Sea Data Entry
Advances in electronic technology have allowed
us also to improve the methodology for sorting,
weighing, and enumerating the catch, and the methods
used to collect biological data (length, age
structures, food habits, etc.) Traditionally,
biological data on RACE bottom trawl surveys were
recorded on waterproof paper forms, and the data
were later entered into a computer. With the
subsequent availability of small portable computers
we began entering data at sea. During
early surveys, the data entry was accomplished
at the AFSC facilities in Seattle after a
survey was completed. As computers have become more
powerful, we have introduced more features into the
data entry software and improved our data editing at
sea. Because timely reporting of survey results is
critical to resource management, we have emphasized
improvements that help make survey results available
more quickly.
During the 1990s, the RACE Division instituted a
computer program to reduce errors during data
entry at sea and to verify and correct data
during the time of data collection rather than
months later in the office. Although data have
been logged at sea for more than 10 years, a vast
majority of data editing has been done after the
data were transferred to a mainframe computer at the
AFSC Sand Point facility in Seattle. Data
errors were difficult to evaluate and correct months
after the data were collected. As a result,
RACE computer specialists worked to develop a
data entry and editing program that would bring
data entry transcription errors to the
user’s attention as soon as possible after data
The first step was to eliminate errors made in the
entry of fish length data by replacing the length
board’s traditional pencil-marked plastic strips,
which required manual length measurements which were
then transcribed to paper forms and then keyed into
the computer. The strips next were washed to
reuse for the following length sample, so if errors
were made, the original data were lost. Our new
Polycorder system measures length electronically
with bar-coded length strips which are read by a
portable, waterproof, hand-held computer equipped
with a light pen. The fish is placed on the
bar-coded length strip and the pen is used to read
the bar code associated with each fish length
(Figure 6).

Figure 6. Polycorder fish
length board in use during a RACE
bottom trawl survey.
Length strips
contain other command bar codes which are used to
change the species or sex codes in the data logger
as fishes in the length sample are processed. Because
of the large number of fish species that are
sometimes measured for length (more than one hundred
species in some surveys), the bar-coded length
intervals on the length strips also double as
species codes. The length of our standard
board is 120 cm, which serves both purposes
well. After all lengths have been collected,
the data are downloaded to a PC for entry into a
database. The weight and number of each
species occurring in the catch are still collected
on waterproof sheets , as are specimen data, and
entered into the computer after the catch is fully
processed later in the day.
Most specimen data (otoliths, DNA, and maturity
samples, for example) are accompanied by individual
length and weight data for the specimen. Until
the early 1990s, specimens were weighed with a
mechanical triple beam balance. The mechanical
balance worked well under ideal conditions, but was
difficult to use under our frequently rough wind and
sea conditions. The balance also required constant
vigilance to keep track of the scale’s hanging
weights to prevent misreading of the scale weight
and the consequential perplexing editing problems in
the data. During the past decade,
motion-compensated electronic scales have vastly
improved our collection of individual weight data on
survey vessels. With the new electronic
scales, weight data collection is no longer
dependent upon good weather, and speed and
accuracy of processing have improved
All biological data are recorded at sea with a catch
data entry program based on Microsoft Access, which
allows the data to be quickly tested and integrated
into a database. Information can be integrated and
tested in a database more readily than from separate
flat file computer systems. The user enters
the computer program from a master form that
contains all the main functions of the program. The
length data from the polycorder is downloaded
into the database first and is used in conjunction
with weight-length regression parameters determined
from earlier surveys to provide the user with an
estimated weight for the measured subsample of fish.
Because length subsamples are all weighed and
recorded separately from the nonlength measured part
of the catch, this serves as a reasonable cross
check of both length and weight subsamples. If
there is a substantial discrepancy between the
estimated weight from the length sample and the
weight recorded on the deck catch sheet, it can be
checked immediately while the work is still fresh in
everyone’s mind. After the length data has
been vetted, the polycorders are cleared and
prepared for the next tow. Ideally, all data
should be entered after each tow, but only the
polycorder data must be downloaded and checked
immediately. If tows are spaced closely
together, catch and specimen data are entered later
as time allows. Catch data are entered into
the Access database using an interactive form with
drop-down menus (Figure
7). A list of all species encountered
on the survey in previous years is presented in a
drop-down selection box. Species names must be
selected from this list or a new name and species
code can be documented and added. Selecting
species from a list enforces the integrity of the
species codes in the list and reduces the chance of
transcription errors in entering the species name.
As data are entered, the weights are again
checked against estimated weights from the length
data and the user is warned if the difference is
Although it is no longer necessary, length data can
be entered manually as well. A separate form
allows entry of Pacific halibut data for
International Pacific Halibut Commission scientists
who often participate in our surveys. An
editing utility allows editing of any data from
previous hauls.
Our standard methodology to determine the species
composition of each catch is to sort and weigh the
catch of each species from every tow, but
occasionally we get a haul that is too large to
entirely sort and weigh even with our 20,000 kg load
cell. On these occasions, we estimate weight
using volumetric methods. In these cases, we
determine either the volume of catch in the trawl or
in bins on deck and then convert the volume to an
estimate of weight by applying an estimated
catch-specific gravity to the volume. The data
entry program has a feature to facilitate this
process (Figure 8).
Users can choose a series of geometric shapes
to estimate volume and are prompted for appropriate
dimensions. The program then provides a
uniform printout of estimated density and total
The catch entry program has user-initiated backup
utilities built in. Normally the data are
backed up daily to hard and floppy disks. All files
produced by the data entry program are standardized
to the comma delimited with field names in the first
row format used in all our programs.
One advantage of building the data entry program
within a database environment is that the entire
database can be returned from the field to the
laboratory for final editing. Several
editing functions are built into the database,
including functions to check the data structure and
hierarchical relationships between tables, testing
numbers in the catch data versus numbers in the
length data, testing for unusual average weights,
and testing for weight or length outliers in
specimen data. When accompanied by final
line-by-line checking of the data at the lab, this
helps ensure a high level of data integrity.
Future plans
The next step in the application of modern
weighing, measuring, and computer technology to RACE
survey field work will be to integrate specimen data
collection into an on-deck, field computer
environment. Currently, length, weight,
specimen number, and sometimes other data such as
maturity stage are measured and recorded on a
waterproof form and later transcribed to the
computer through the data entry program. Because
our electronic scales can communicate with external
devices during the weighing of the specimens, we
plan to integrate data collection through a
waterproof field computer that will collect lengths
with a bar code wand and weights directly from the
electronic scale, as well as keeping track of
specimen numbers.
Catch composition data collection can be improved
with direct readout from an electronic scale to a
handheld computer. Because the catch data
collection more frequently involves taking notes on
deck, it is likely this will have to be done with a
screen-oriented notepad computer.
The final step will be an integration of the
computers on the boat. Currently, one computer
is dedicated to haul data, trawl performance, and
fishing effort data (usually on the bridge) and
another is dedicated to data entry, because these
events may occur simultaneously. With the
advent of simple intercomputer communications built
into operating systems, a local area network of
computers on a survey vessel at sea is feasible.
With all computers communicating on the boat,
the field computers could act as expert systems to
provide feedback on sampling decisions, such as
suggesting specimen data collection strategies by
monitoring the status of collections within strata.
All of our past advances in measurement of trawl
performance, fishing effort and the electronic
recording and editing of data at sea, as well as
those planned for the future, improve the quantity
and quality of the data collected during our
resource surveys which are used in the conservation
and management of our living marine resources.