Estimated production figures for
1 January through 30 June 2004.
Species |
Number Aged |
Northern rocksole |
311 |
Yellowfin sole |
605 |
Arrowtooth flounder |
3,396 |
Walleye pollock |
8,668 |
Pacific cod |
707 |
Sablefish |
104 |
Atka mackerel |
61 |
Pacific ocean perch |
401 |
Northern rockfish |
465 |
Rougheye rockfish |
669 |
Light dusky rockfish |
349 |
Dark dusky rockfish |
120 |
Total production figures were 15,856 with 4,746 test ages
and 38 examined and determined to be unageable.
By Dan Kimura. |
Economic & Social Sciences Research Program
Economic Data Collection Program
Center economists continued working with Alaska Regional Office and Pacific States Marine Fisheries
Commission (PSMFC) staff to implement the economic data collection program that will be an integral
part of the BSAI Crab Rationalization Program. They assisted in completing the following:
- The historic and annual Economic Data Report forms for catcher vessels, catcher-processors,
shoreside processors, and floating processors
- The draft regulations and preamble for the data collection program
- The cooperative agreement under which PSMFC will collect the data
- The terms of reference for the data collection program.
Fishing Communities
Drs. Jennifer Sepez (AFSC) and Karma Norman of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) have
initiated a joint west coast Fisheries Science Centers project to develop profiles of fishing communities
in the Western United States (see feature article in this issue).
They will build on a similar project for fishing communities in Alaska. The AFSC is involved in this project
because there are fishing communities outside of Alaska that are substantially dependent on or substantially
engaged in fisheries off Alaska.
Other Ongoing Activities
Program staff have been involved in ongoing efforts to do the following:
- Implement the National Bycatch Strategy
- Estimate the non-consumptive value of Steller sea lions
- Develop regional economic impact models
- Assess the economic effects of the Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands pollock fishery cooperatives
- Implement improved electronic reporting of fisheries data
- Establish an improved program for observer funding and deployment in the Alaska groundfish fisheries
- Explore the feasibility of using economic incentives to protect essential fish habitat
- Plan and implement projects that are part of the NMFS Fisheries Information System (FIS)
- Explore alternative management approaches for nontarget species taken as bycatch in the BSAI and GOA groundfish fisheries
- Summarize fisheries data for NMFS, NPFMC, industry, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders.
By Joe Terry

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