North Pacific Index

The NPI was selected as the single most appropriate index for characterizing the climate forcing of the Bering Sea. The NPI is a measure of the strength of the Aleutian Low, specifically the area-weighted sea level pressure (SLP) for the region of 30o to 65oN, 160oE to 140oW (Trenberth and Hurrell, 1994). It is relevant to the Bering Sea because the strength of the Aleutian Low relates to wintertime temperatures, with a deeper low (negative SLP anomalies) associated with a greater preponderance of maritime air masses and hence warmer conditions.

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Dataset:   North Pacific Index 
Region:  North Pacific 
Year Index 
1961 1006.868 
1962 1010.684 
1963 1007.466 
1964 1009.076 
1965 1009.884 
1966 1011.274 
1967 1010.958 
1968 1009.018 
1969 1010.83 
1970 1005.734 
1971 1011.482 
1972 1011.836 
1973 1009.514 
1974 1009.06 
1975 1010.026 
1976 1010.094 
1977 1005.954 
1978 1006.492 
1979 1010.552 
1980 1007.686 
1981 1004.438 
1982 1010.602 
1983 1003.46 
1984 1006.28 
1985 1010.006 
1986 1004.794 
1987 1005.968 
1988 1008.134 
1989 1011.742 
1990 1010.906 
1991 1011.244 
1992 1006.456 
1993 1008.754 
1994 1010.356 
1995 1008.562 
1996 1007.772 
1997 1008.67 
1998 1005.478 
1999 1009.446 
2000 1008.446 
2001 1007.084 
2002 1009.196 
2003 1005.066 
2004 1008.564 
2005 1008.15 
2006 1010.108 
2007 1009.826 
2008 1009.304 
2009 1013.466 
2010 1006.49 
2011 1011.132 
2012 1010.324 
2013 1010.312 
2014 1009.804 
2015 1007.862 
2016 1006.588 
2017 1010.256 
2018 1012.978 
2019 1009.398 
2020 1011.762 
2021 1010.636 
2022 1010.524 
2023 1011.92