Vertebral column

Vertebrae image results for Sebastes aleutianus Scorpaenidae (rougheye rockfish)

Vertebral column formula: 10 + 1 + 16 = 27

Note: Rougheye rockfish, like other rockfish, has low number (27) of vertebrae. The specimen is 20 cm (SL).

Link to taxonomic information for Sebastes aleutianus Scorpaenidae (rougheye rockfish) at

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Vertebrae or vertebral column were usually found in the stomachs. The shape and number of vertebrae in different fish species are different. Therefore, they are usually used for the identification of a fish found in the stomachs.

The general pattern of the vertebral column is expressed in the following format: T+P+C = S; where

T = Trunk (or Abdominal) vertebrae (with only neural spines)

P = Precaudal vertebrae (with haemal arches but no haemal spines)

C = Caudal vertebrae (with neural spines and haemal spines)

S = Total vertebrae