Economics & Social Sciences Research Program
New Research Funding
The Economics and Social Sciences Research Program (ESSRP)
was awarded approximately $275,000 in new research funds for
socioeconomic projects for FY05. These include three data collection
projects: 1) to collect information for input in regional economic
models; 2) to begin understanding aspects of the Bering Sea fishing
operations (a Bering Sea operations survey); and 3) to complete
community profiles for fishing communities in Alaska, Washington,
Oregon, and California.
Other projects include: 1) a project to develop
an integrated regional economic-ecological model of Alaskan fisheries;
2) a project to measure the productivity changes in the offshore Alaska
catcher-processor fleet; and 3) a project to convert historical
employment data for Alaska fisheries to the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS), a new system for classifying economic activity.
Other Activities
Center economists worked with the NMFS Alaska
Regional Office to implement the final rule for the Bering Sea Crab
Rationalization Program and finalized the Economic Data Reports (EDR)
that will be used to collect historic data for the fisheries for 1998,
2001, and 2004. The reports will be mailed to the parties that landed or
processed crab during those years. The data collected within the EDRs
will be used to establish a baseline in evaluating the effects of this
novel and controversial program.
Harrison Fell, a graduate student in the Economics
Department at the University of Washington, began work that analyzes the
market demand and supply of the commercial Alaska pollock fishery. Fell
has also recently been awarded a 2-year NMFS fellowship to continue this
work, which will form the basis of his doctoral dissertation.
By Ron Felthoven

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