Status of Stocks & Multispecies Assessment Program
Fishery Interaction Team Presentation at Ocean Research Conference
Susanne McDermott and Libby Logerwell, members of the Fishery Interaction Team subtask,
gave oral presentations at the 2004 Ocean Research Conference held in Honolulu, Hawaii,
during 15-20 February. The conference was sponsored by the American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography and The Ocean Society, and their presentations were given in a session on
“Oceanography and Ecology of the Aleutian Archipelago.”
Libby Logerwell gave a presentation entitled, “Geographic patterns in the demersal ichthyofauna
of the Aleutian Islands shelf ” coauthored by Kerim Aydin, Steve Barbeaux, Eric Brown, Liz Conners,
Sandra Lowe, Jay Orr, Ivonne Ortiz, Rebecca Reuter, and Paul Spencer. Geographic patterns in the
Aleutian Islands ichthyofauna from the individual to the community level of organization were
presented. At the highest level of organization (the community), patterns and trends in species
occurrence and community composition were shown. At the population level, some species showed
depth and longitudinal trends in distribution and abundance while others showed patchy distributions.
At the individual level, geographic patterns in demersal fish diet and growth were observed. These
geographic patterns were consistent with patterns in the region’s physical and biological properties
described by other presenters in the session. For instance, many characteristics of demersal fish
changed at Samalga Pass. Other presenters described changes in climate variability, physical
oceanography, zooplankton species composition, seabird diet, and marine mammal distribution
at Samalga Pass. The authors’ results also suggest that there may be other transition zones in the
western Aleutian Islands that have not yet been identified oceanographically, such as Adak Strait,
Amchitka Pass, and Buldir Island. In addition to step-changes at the passes, there were longitudinal
trends in demersal fish characteristics, such as growth, that point to continuous environmental
variation along the length of the Aleutian Islands chain. Finally, some species were more patchily
distributed than others, and high catches of these patchily distributed species may indicate areas of
increased production due to mixing and/or upwelling.
Susanne McDermott presented “Estimating movement and abundance of Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus
monopterygius) with tag release data,” coauthored by Lowell Fritz and Vivian Haist.
This presentation described results from a mark-recapture experiment conducted in Seguam Pass, inside
and outside a trawl exclusion zone. The purpose of the experiment was to estimate local Atka mackerel
abundance around a Steller sea lion rookery. In 1999, 1,375 tagged fish were released. A biomass of
76,679 metric tons (t) was estimated outside the trawl exclusion zone. In 2000, 8,773 tagged fish were
released. An integrated tagging model estimated the biomass to be 117,900 t inside and 82,057 t outside
the trawl exclusion zone. Probability of fish moving from outside to inside the zone was small (0.0056)
and from inside to outside was potentially large (0.81), but was associated with high uncertainty (the
95% confidence interval ranged from 0 to 1.00). Preliminary results for the tag and release events in
2002 showed that there was a potential influx of young fish that happened after fish were tagged and
showed up during the recovery event. An immigration factor was calculated by adjusting length frequency
distributions of tagged fish and fish examined for tags. This immigration factor was then used to adjust
the numbers of fish examined for tags and resulted in adjusted population abundance estimates. Population
sizes were within the range, but slightly higher than the 2000 results in Seguam Pass with similar movement
rates. Population sizes for Tanaga Pass were estimated at 100,000 t inside and 67,000 t outside the trawl
exclusion zones. Movement rates were 0.11 from the inside to the outside and 0.6 from the outside to the
inside, but again were associated with high uncertainty. The results indicated that tagging as a means of
abundance and movement estimation seems to work well for Atka mackerel. The results also showed that Atka
mackerel do not appear to move outside of their localized aggregations (<20 km). This lack of movement
might result in local adaptations to differences in ocean conditions along the Aleutian Islands chain,
such as those documented by other presenters in the session.
The other presentations in the session described research on prehistoric human populations, climate
variability, physical oceanography, primary productivity, zooplankton distribution, seabird foraging
ecology, marine mammal distribution (including endangered Steller sea lions), and pollock egg and larval
characteristics. Much of the work presented in this session will be published in a special issue of
Fisheries Oceanography focusing on the Aleutian Islands region.
By Libby Logerwell
A New Assessment Technique for Shortraker and Rougheye Rockfish
A new stock assessment model for Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) rougheye and shortraker rockfish
was used in 2003. In previous stock assessments, biomass of rougheye and shortraker rockfish was estimated
by simple averaging of recent survey biomass estimates. The new assessment procedure uses a Kalman filter
to fit a surplus production model to the survey and catch data. The Kalman filter provides a statistically
rigorous methodology that considers process errors (underlying natural variability), observation errors
(errors in our estimates of the true state of nature, such as the biomass of fish), and covariances between
observations. For BSAI shortraker and rougheye rockfish, catches have been reported for the two-species
complex, although an estimate of catch by species can be made by extrapolating species-specific catches
from fishery observer data to the total aggregated catch. However, sampling variability in the observer
catch proportions would be expected to affect the variance of the resulting catch estimates, and consideration
of statistical errors in the observer data adds considerably to the assumed observation errors in catch for
BSAI rougheye and shortraker rockfish. Additionally, the new assessment model allows for estimation of
parameters with biological and management importance, such as population growth rate. The new assessment
methodology was presented to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s BSAI Plan Team in September
2003 and was applied to BSAI shortraker and rougheye rockfish in November 2003.
By Paul Spencer
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