California Current Program
San Miguel Island Research
Research activities conducted at San Miguel Island from January through March 2004 focused
primarily on the evaluation of California sea lion pups from the 2003 cohort. Personnel from
the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML), Southwest Fisheries Science Center, and Channel
Islands National Park evaluated 26 branded and 30 nonbranded pups on 29-30 January. Pups in the
Adam’s Cove area of the island were herded and held in a temporary enclosure to facilitate
evaluation. Evaluation of pups included recording pup weight, standard length, girth, and sex.
Blood samples and fecal swabs were collected from both branded and nonbranded pups. Blood samples
were analyzed for packed cell volume, and fecal swabs were analyzed for the presence of hookworm
eggs. In addition, the research crew also conducted resight surveys of branded California sea
lions in Adam’s Cove and along the south coast when time permitted. In March 2004, personnel from NMML and the University of Washington deployed remote release instrument platforms on four adult
female California seal lions to test data collection and the release mechanism.
By Jeff Laake
Cetacean Assessment & Ecology Program
Opportunistic Sightings of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet
Opportunistic sightings of belugas whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska, have been reported to the NMML
since 1977. Initially, sightings were reported through the Platforms of Opportunity program.
However, in 1999 the NMFS Alaska Regional Office set up a network to improve the public’s
awareness of belugas and encourage reports of sighting information. The beluga data were then
entered into a dedicated database designed and maintained by the NMML. The high visibility and
distinctive nature of belugas made them well suited for the opportunistic sightings project.
Table 1. Summary of beluga whale sightings in Cook Inlet,
Alaska, from opportunistic reports.
Year |
Number of Sightings |
Avg. Group Size |
Min. Group Size |
Max. Group Size |
1977 |
10 |
4.1 |
1 |
18 |
1978 |
59 |
16.7 |
1 |
150 |
1979 |
72 |
12.5 |
1 |
97 |
1980 |
1 |
400.0 |
400 |
400 |
1982 |
43 |
27.0 |
1 |
250 |
1983 |
23 |
22.4 |
1 |
173 |
1987 |
1 |
37.0 |
37 |
37 |
1991 |
4 |
108.7 |
45 |
190 |
1992 |
3 |
88.3 |
1 |
255 |
1993 |
5 |
17.2 |
6 |
30 |
1997 |
10 |
15.0 |
1 |
36 |
1998 |
2 |
55.0 |
35 |
75 |
1999 |
89 |
21.6 |
1 |
300 |
2000 |
273 |
19.1 |
1 |
350 |
2001 |
189 |
25.4 |
1 |
150 |
2002 |
18 |
68.6 |
1 |
200 |
Sighting reports have come from a variety of sources ranging from observations by the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) during systematic aerial surveys for birds to casual
observations by tourists on the beach or people fishing in small boats. Location data range from
precise locations (e.g., GPS-determined latitude and longitude) to approximate distances from major
landmarks. In addition to location data, most reports include date, time, approximate number of whales,
and notable whale behavior. Although the beluga sightings in the database are considered to be fairly
reliable, there are no records of search effort; thus, the database does not provide information on
where whales were absent. Currently there are 802 sighting records in the database (Table 1 above). Table 1
summarizes the sightings in the database by year and includes the average, minimum, and maximum group size.
By Christy Sims and Dave Rugh

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