Resource Ecology & Ecosystem Modeling Program
Fourth Annual Bilateral Conference on Fisheries Sciences Between the United States and the Republic of Korea

Participants in the fourth annual bilateral conference on fisheries sciences between the United States
and the Republic of Korea.
The AFSC hosted the fourth annual bilateral conference on fisheries sciences between the United States and the Republic
of Korea on 12-13 July 2005. This conference was attended by 16 scientists. The conference focused on three major themes:
1) new perspectives on ecosystem approaches to management, 2) monitoring fishes and fisheries, and 3) evidence of
oceanographic change and prediction of climate impacts on future stock production. Conference participants discussed a wide
variety of topics including Korean and Alaskan groundfish fisheries management and stock status; stock assessment research
incorporating environmental factors; habitat and bycatch impacts; and issues associated with data collection and data
management needs. The group also discussed opportunities for cooperative research between the two countries. Both parties
agreed to pursue the following activities in 2006:
- Convening the 5th Bilateral Meeting in Busan, Korea in May 2006 with an exact date to be determined.
- Training and collaboration in 2005/06 on climate change and fisheries.
- Training on ecosystem-based assessment and management
- Convening a workshop on fisheries resource management and development of rebuilding plans
By Anne Hollowed
American Fisheries Society/Lowell Wakefield Symposia Presentations
Staff from the Status of Stocks and Multispecies Assessments Program attended the American Fisheries Society (AFS) and
Lowell Wakefield Symposia in Anchorage, Alaska, 12-16 September 2005 and gave the following presentations and posters.
Abstracts are available on the AFS web site at
Oral Presentations:
- “Environmental Disturbance and Resource Partitioning as a Source of Population Regulation of Northeast Pacific Groundfish.”
By Anne B. Hollowed and Vera N. Agostini (School of Aquatic and Fisheries Science, University of Washington).
- “Developments in Stock Assessment Modeling for North Pacific Groundfish.” By James Ianelli.
- “Bayesian Methods in Fisheries Management Strategy Evaluations.” By James Ianelli.
- “The Role of Ecosystem Models in the Alaska Management Process.” By Kerim Aydin and Sarah Gaichas.
- “Managing the New Gulf of Alaska Skate (Raja spp.) Fishery: Can Slow Growing, Long Lived Species Sustain
Rapid Fishery Development?” By Sarah Gaichas.
- “Movements of Pacific Cod, Gadus macrocephalus, Around “Cod Alley” in the Southeast Bering Sea.”
By Sandra Neidetcher and Yunbing Shi.
- “The Diet of Juvenile Pacific Ocean Perch in Two Areas of the Aleutian Islands.” By Jennifer Boldt
(REFM/Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO), University of Washington), Chris Rooper
(RACE), and Mary Auburn (Inverte Inc).
Poster Presentations:
- “A Proposed Framework For Balancing Yield Optimization and Conservation Objectives in Alaskan Groundfish Fisheries.”
By Sarah Gaichas and Jane DiCosimo (North Pacific Fishery Management Council) (.pdf,199 KB).
- “Histological Validation of a Visual Maturity Key for Pacific Cod.” By Sandra Neidetcher
and Jim Stark (RACE Division).
- “Marine Reserve Selection for Rockfish: Incorporating Larval Dispersal Considerations Using Coupled Bio-Physical
Models.” By William T. Stockhausen and Albert J. Hermann (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (.pdf, 12.1 MB).

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