Economic & Social Sciences Research Program
Economic Data Collection Programs
Center economists continued working with NMFS Alaska Regional Office and PSMFC staff to implement the
economic data collection program that will be an integral part of the BSAI Crab Rationalization Program.
During this quarter, they assisted in completing the following: 1) the draft regulations and preamble for
the data collection program; 2) the cooperative agreement under which PSMFC will collect the data; and 3)
the terms of reference for the data collection program.
Center economists also provided input to the Task Force for the Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Specifically, the economists identified restrictions in the current
act that explicitly limit their access to the data required to analyze the effects of fishery management programs
and compute the net benefits generated by Alaska fisheries. They also made recommendations for new language that
would increase the amount of available economic information.
Community Profiling and Demographics
Christina Package traveled to Dutch Harbor, Unalaska and conducted interviews with local residents to gather
information necessary for the profile of the community derived from fieldwork conducted by Dr. Jennifer Sepez
during summer 2002. Also, interviews were conducted with native community members who were removed to internment
camps during World War II. Information from these interviews will aid in research dealing with history and
globalization as it pertains to Unalaska.
New Economist
Alan Haynie, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics at the University of Washington, joined the REFM
Division in July 2004. He presented a paper at International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade Conference
in Japan, “Estimating the Economic Impact of the Steller Sea Lion Conservation Area: Developing and Applying New
Methods for Evaluating Spatially Complex Area Closures” (joint with David Layton). Alan has initiated an effort
to analyze the effects of real-time bycatch monitoring (through the SeaState Inc., system) on bycatch rates and
fishing site location. He will work with academic researchers, AFSC staff, and industry to construct a model that
relates fishing choices to the reports presented by SeaState, Inc.
Other Activities
Program staff have been involved in ongoing efforts to 1) implement a comprehensive data collection program for
the BSAI crab fisheries; 2) estimate the nonconsumptive value of Steller sea lions; 3) identify and profile fishing
communities; 4) develop regional economic impact models; 5) assess the economic effects of the BSAI pollock fishery
cooperatives; 6) implement improved electronic reporting of fisheries data; 7) summarize fisheries data for the
Economic SAFE report, the NPFMC, industry, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders.
By Ron Felthoven
Estimated production figures for
1 January through 30 September 2004. |
Species |
Number Aged |
Northern rocksole |
1,152 |
Yellowfin sole |
1,359 |
Arrowtooth flounder |
3,396 |
Longhead dab |
223 |
Walleye pollock |
12,270 |
Pacific cod |
2,067 |
Sablefish |
2,460 |
Atka mackerel |
1,073 |
Pacific ocean perch |
704 |
Northern rockfish |
873 |
Rougheye rockfish |
669 |
Light dusky rockfish |
1,066 |
Dark dusky rockfish |
120 |
Total production figures were 27,432 with 8,298 test ages
and 130 examined and determined to be unageable.
By Dan Kimura. |
Age & Growth Program
International Otolith Symposium
Dan Kimura attended the Third International Otolith Symposium in Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 11 - 17
July 2004 (see Auke Bay Lab report in this issue.). The symposium
was hosted by the CRC Reef Research Center and James Cook University. Kimura presented an oral paper “Quality
Control of Age Data at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center” and a poster “Is Corroborating Ages a Valid Concept
in (walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma) Fish Age Determination?” The oral presentation, coauthored
by Delsa Anderl, described the quality control procedures used in the ageing lab, along with new insights into
measures of between age reader precision. The poster described current confusion in the meaning of the terms age
“corroboration” and age “validation.” An argument was made concerning the usefulness of age corroboration data
in our ageing of walleye pollock. Coauthors of the poster were Alexander Buslov (Kamchatka Research Institute of
Fisheries and Oceanography, Russia), and AFSC scientists Betty Goetz, Christopher Gburski, and Craig Kastelle.
Written versions of these presentations were submitted for consideration in the planned proceedings.

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