Status of Stocks & Multispecies Assessment Program
Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Meeting
Scientists from REFM participated in the Ecosystem
Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Climate Variability and
Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems Symposium held 16-20 May 2005 in Victoria,
British Columbia. The symposium was timely because recent changes in
species abundance or distribution have been observed within several
Sub-Arctic marine ecosystems. These changes appear to correlate with
fluctuations in the physical environment, and there is growing concern
about anthropogenically induced climate change. Also, several new
national programs in Sub-Arctic seas have recently been initiated, for
example, Bering Ecosystem Study (BEST), Effects of North Atlantic
Climate Variability on the Barents Sea Ecosystem (ECOBE) and the
Oyashio-pollock project in Japan. The symposium offered the opportunity
to influence the implementation plans of ESSAS and BEST through 1-day
Presentations by REFM staff included:
- Kerim Aydin (Resource Ecology and Ecosystem
Modeling Program Leader) gave an introductory talk on climate and the
Bering Sea ecosystem.
- Sarah Gaichas (Status of Stocks and Multispecies Assessments Program)
and Kerim Aydin gave a presentation comparing ecosystem structure and
biological regimes between the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska
continental shelf systems. The authors examined the transfer of energy
and biomass through similarly structured model food webs of each
ecosystem and the reaction of each system to standardized frequencies of
simulated "climate" variation.
They found that some of the distinctive
patterns of variation in biomass can emerge from identical "climate"
frequencies propagating through food webs with different structural
properties. The authors attempted to characterize the distinctive
structural properties of each food web that resulted in different
apparent "climate" effects. It is possible that identifying structural
properties of fished ecosystems may hold as much promise for fisheries
management as attempting to predict climate effects within each system
- Anne Hollowed (Status of Stocks and Multispecies Assessments Program
Leader) and Vera Agostini (UW) gave a presentation on environmental
disturbance and resource partitioning as a source of population
regulation of Northeast Pacific groundfish. The presentation reviewed
the influence of environmental variability on the spatial distribution
of habitat creating dynamic patterns of resource availability and
species interaction. Their study provides evidence for ecological
disturbance and its role in modifying pelagic habitats. Processes were
reviewed using case studies.
The presentation addressed factors
influencing survival of Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock. The analysis
revealed that successful recruitment is linked to a complex sequence of
events leading to intermittent recruitment events. Predator controls
appear to be regulated by spatial temporal overlap of predators,
abundance of alternative prey, and the abundance of juvenile pollock. An
alternative functional form for modeling spawners and recruitment was
introduced that addresses temporal sequences of environmental
disturbance. Statistical analysis based on this relationship explained
approximately 60% of the variance in recruitment.
- Jennifer Boldt, (REEM Program), Pat Livingston, (REFM
Division Director), and Anne Hollowed presented a poster on the past and
present indicators of climate and fishing effects on the Bering Sea
ecosystem. Both climate and fishing are agents of change that can affect
the production and distribution of marine organisms in the North
Pacific. It is well known that a major climate shift occurred in the
North Pacific around 1976-77, a minor climate shift was observed in
1989, and another climate shift occurred in 1998-99. These climate
shifts are reflected in ocean conditions, such as sea surface
temperature, ice cover, and wind-driven transport.
The relative importance of each of these climate shifts to physical conditions
in the Bering Sea varies, as does their impact on the production and
distribution of marine organisms. Fisheries can impact fish and
ecosystems directly by selectivity, magnitude, timing, location, and
methods of fish removals.
There are other effects of fishing such as
vessel disturbance, nutrient cycling, introduction of exotic species,
pollution, unobserved mortality, and habitat alteration. Both ocean
conditions and fishing activity may affect the marine communities of the
Bering Sea. The Ecosystem Considerations section of the SAFE report of
the NPFMC provides a current and historical perspective on status and
trends of ecosystem components and ecosystem-level attributes using an
indicator approach.
By Jennifer Boldt, Sarah Gaichas, Kerim Aydin and Anne Hollowed
Fishery Interaction Team Presentations to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Liz Conners and Libby Logerwell gave presentations to
the Advisory Panel, Science and Statistical Committee and Council during
the NPFMC’s June meeting in Girdwood, Alaska. The purpose of the
presentations was to provide an update on Fishery Interaction Team (FIT)
research on the potential impacts of commercial fishing on Steller sea
lion prey fields. Input was also sought with regard to future FIT
research. The research activities of FIT currently focus on three
commercially fished groundfish species in Alaska: Pacific cod, Atka
mackerel, and walleye pollock. Summaries of the presentations follow.
FIT’s Pacific cod local depletion study is conducted
by Elizabeth Conners, Peter Munro, Sandi Neidetcher, and Yunbing Shi.
They have now completed 3 years of the Pacific cod local depletion
experiment at Cape Sarichef. The study was designed to determine if
intensive trawl fishing for cod creates a localized depletion in fish
abundance that could adversely affect prey availability for Steller sea
The experiment uses a before-after, treatment-control type design
to compare the seasonal rate of change in cod abundance within the Cape
Sarichef no-trawl zone to the rate of change in the adjacent
heavily-trawled area. In each of the 3 years, the nonparametric
statistical test has overwhelmingly indicated no difference between
sites in the trawled and untrawled areas (P-values of 0.81 to 0.98).
Power calculations indicate that the experiments in 2004 and 2005 would
have been able to detect a reduction in the average catch of the trawled
zone in the range of 20%-30%. Maps of the observed catches and seasonal
percentage changes show no consistent spatial pattern.
FIT’s study on the short-term effects of commercial
fishing on walleye pollock is led by Chris Wilson and Paul Walline (RACE
Division) and Anne Hollowed and Libby Logerwell (REFM Division). The
purpose of this research is to determine whether commercial pollock
fishing results in localized depletion or disturbance of Steller sea
lion prey fields. A pollock fishery interaction experiment has been
conducted off Kodiak Island during 4 years: 2000-04. The sampling design
utilized control (unfished) and treatment (fished) areas. Barnabus
Trough was open to fishing and thus was the treatment site. Chiniak
Trough was closed to fishing and thus was the control site.
In 2001 and 2004, substantial (> 1500 metric tons (t)) amounts of adult pollock were
removed from the study area during the C season. Results from the 2001
experiment show high temporal variability in adult pollock biomass in
the treatment area, but not in response to fishing. In contrast, results
from 2004 show a statistically significant decrease in pollock biomass
in the treatment area following the start of commercial fishing. No
concurrent decrease in adult pollock biomass in the control area was
Results from 2000 and 2002 are not shown because the region
was closed to pollock fishing in 2000, and fishery removals were very
small (roughly 300 t) in the study area in 2002. Statistical power
analyses based on the 2004 data show that differences in biomass of 35%
could be detected 80% of the time in the treatment area.
FIT’s study on Atka mackerel biomass and movement
relative to trawl exclusion zones in the Aleutian Islands is conducted
by Suzanne McDermott, Jim Ianelli, and Logerwell. The objective
of this project is to evaluate the efficacy of trawl exclusion zones (TEZs)
at maintaining sufficient quantities of Atka mackerel prey for Steller
sea lions in the Aleutian Islands. Tag release-recovery methods were
used to estimate local abundance and movement rates inside and outside
TEZs at several sites in the Aleutian Islands. Movement rates are of
interest because fish moving from inside to outside TEZs are vulnerable
to commercial fishing.
From 2000 to 2003, Atka mackerel have been
tagged, released and recovered at Seguam Pass, Tanaga Pass, and Amchitka
Island. Biomass and movement rates were estimated with an integrated
model that uses maximum likelihood to estimate all parameters
simultaneously. Biomass was highest at Seguam Pass and lowest at the
south end of Amchitka Island. In all areas, biomass inside the TEZs was
similar to or greater than biomass outside the TEZs. In all areas,
movement rates from inside to outside were similar to or less than
movement rates from outside to inside, with the exception of Amchitka
Island where movement rates may have been greater from inside to
outside. In addition, movement rates were greater overall at Amchitka
Island than at any of the other study areas.
The results suggest that
TEZs in Seguam and Tanaga Passes, where Atka mackerel biomass is
relatively high and movement is relatively low, may be effective at
preserving local foraging areas for Steller sea lions. In contrast, the
TEZ at the south end of Amchitka, where biomass is low compared to other
areas and movement is high, may be less effective.
More information about the FIT program including the
presentations above are available on the AFSC website at
or contact: Libby Logerwell (FIT Lead)
By Libby Logerwel

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