Midwater Assessment & Conservation Engineering (MACE) Program
Acoustic Data Collection Aboard Commercial Fishing Vessels
In January 2005, representatives from the Center’s
RACE and REFM Divisions and the North Pacific Groundfish Observer
Program agreed to form a working group to discuss ongoing and proposed
work to collect quantitative acoustic data aboard commercial fishing
vessels. Discussion focused on four main topics: 1) development of
acoustic data logging protocols for commercial vessels, including
fishing vessels conducting acoustic surveys, chartered fishing vessels
(e.g., for groundfish bottom trawl surveys), and those involved in
commercial fishing operations; 2) methods for archiving raw acoustic
data, and techniques to reduce the amount of logged data without
compromising data quality; 3) software development for automated
processing of the acoustic data; and 4) acoustic system calibration and
inter-vessel comparisons.
Subgroups were formed to address each of the
topics, and additional meetings were held throughout spring 2005. The
acoustic data logging protocols, including a detailed section providing
instructions for calibrating commercial fishing vessels, was completed
in time to be used during the summer 2005 Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska
groundfish surveys. A conceptual flowchart has been developed for the
automated acoustic processing software, and the first two stages are
beta coded. A retrospective analysis has been initiated to examine
feasibility of comparing whole water column acoustic backscatter from
annual bottom trawl surveys in the Bering Sea to pollock backscatter
identified from biennial acoustic trawl surveys.
By Taina Honkalehto
Workshop on Survey Design and Data Analysis
Paul Walline was among the 21 scientists from 13
countries who attended the second meeting of the International Council
for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group on Survey Design and
Analysis, held in Sete, France, on 9-13 May. Part of the meeting dealt
with alternate methods for analyzing survey data (acoustic or trawl) to
estimate fish abundance and its associated precision. Participants
analyzed surveys of the same simulated fish population to compare
methods and presented results from several real survey datasets. Walline
presented results from analysis of the simulated survey using
geostatistical methods, and results from analysis of a set of repeated
surveys made near Kodiak Island, Alaska, using a variety of methods.
Other subjects at the meeting included: a) potential gains and losses
from reducing the duration of research trawls, b) the possible use of
covariate data to improve survey design or analysis, c) methods for
combining surveys, and d) the effective sample size to determine
biological parameters such as a length distribution. Workshop
participants summarized some of the discussions in the form of a
"decision tree" providing a guide as to the best survey design for
obtaining abundance estimates with as much precision as possible. The
decision tree and a summary of the meeting presentations and discussions
will be available as an ICES report.
By Paul Walline
Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology
Chris Wilson and Alex De Robertis attended the 2005
meeting of the ICES Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology working
group held at the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, Italy on
18-22 April. Wilson presented a paper describing ongoing field
experiments designed to evaluate the effects of fishing activity on
walleye pollock abundance and distribution. De Robertis presented a
paper describing the use of hull-mounted hydrophones to measure the
self-noise of NOAA’s new research vessel Oscar Dyson and served
as meeting rapporteur. Major topics of discussion at the meeting
included the use of alternate platforms such as fishing vessels for
acoustic data collection, methods for remote species classification,
fish reactions to survey vessels, and the effectiveness of noise-reduced
research vessels.
By Alex De Robertis
Oscar Dyson Field Trials and Gulf of Alaska Survey
NOAA’s new fisheries survey vessel Oscar Dyson
arrived at the Pacific Marine Center in Seattle in early March 2005.
After a period of dockside equipment installation and testing, the
vessel underwent field trials in Puget Sound on 9-13 May followed by
more formal acceptance trials off the coast of Washington on 14-16 May.
This phase of acceptance trials focused on demonstrating the
capabilities of the vessel’s trawl, hydrographic and oceanographic winch
systems along with the trawl net sounder systems. The vessel departed
Seattle on 21 May enroute to its homeport in Kodiak, Alaska. A public
commissioning ceremony was held in Kodiak on 28 May. The first leg of
the Gulf of Alaska acoustic-trawl survey, which was scheduled for 1 June
– 30 July, was suspended on 3 June because of generator problems.
Repairs were completed by late June, and the survey resumed on 1 July.
Survey objectives were modified to accommodate the shortened field
By Neal Williamson and Mike Guttormse

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