Groundfish Assessment Program
Habitat Associations and Diet of Juvenile Pacific Cod
Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, regularly
rank second in catch and product value in the Alaska groundfish fishery,
yet surprisingly little is known about the ecology of its juvenile
stage. Although large-scale distributions have been described for adult
Pacific cod, no investigations have focused on nursery areas and
habitat associations during the juvenile stage. The Groundfish
Assessment Program initiated a study to describe habitat associations of
juvenile Pacific cod in Chiniak Bay, Alaska, located on the northeast
side of Kodiak Island, where commercial fishing for Pacific cod is
important for the local economy and where juvenile Pacific cod have been
captured previously.

Figure 1. Plotted generalized additive model (GAM) results for juvenile Pacific cod. Plots show the
additive effect of each significant variable on the density of cod (GAM final model: R2 = 0.285, GCV = 0.617).
Depth (P = 0.006) was non-linearly related to cod density such that abundance was highest at moderate depths
(15-20 m). Percent cucumber mound cover (P = 0.013) and salinity (P = 0.033) were positively and linearly
related to cod abundance. Dotted lines represent Bayesian 95% confidence intervals around the main effects,
and vertical dashes along the x-axis show the distribution of points entering into the GAM model.
We sampled from 10 to 22 August 2002 at 66
stations. Depth, water temperature, salinity, sediment grain size, and
the proportion of the seabed covered with emergent structure (i.e.,
tube-dwelling polychaetes, sea cucumber mounds, macroalgae) were
measured prior to fishing with either a beach seine or small-meshed beam
trawl. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to relate the
abundance of juvenile Pacific cod to the following habitat variables:
depth, temperature, salinity, sediment type, and percent cover of
emergent structure.
The a priori hypothesis about juvenile Pacific
cod habitat, based on ancillary data from studies in coastal Alaska and
research on juvenile Atlantic cod, was that they congregated nearshore
at shallow depths with eelgrass and macroalgae present. Instead, among a
wide variety of nearshore habitats in Chiniak Bay, we found that depth
(P = 0.006), percent cucumber mound cover (P = 0.013), and salinity (P =
0.033) were all significant covariates affecting juvenile Pacific cod
density (GAM final model: R2 = 0.285, GCV = 0.617), and these
three covariates explained 35.5% of the deviance in the distribution of
juvenile cod. Depth was nonlinearly related to cod density with
abundance concentrated at moderate depths (15-20 m), declining between
20-25 m, and increasing at depths greater than 25 m (Fig. 1). Percent
cucumber mound cover and salinity were positively and linearly related
to cod abundance; however, due to the narrow range of salinity values
among stations and the less significant P value, we considered the
salinity result to be less robust than other significant variables
effecting cod density.
No previous studies have documented fish
utilizing sea cucumber mounds as habitat. Furthermore, eelgrass and
macroalgae were inconsequential to cod distribution. Diets consisted
mainly of small calanoid copepods, mysids, and gammarid amphipods and
were significantly related to depth and percent mud. Cod predominately
preyed on mysids in deeper water and larval crabs, larval barnacles, and
small calanoid copepods in low-mud habitats.
Results from this study have described the habitat
associations of juvenile Pacific cod during late summer, enabling
further hypotheses about the function and quality of their habitat to be
tested. Defining juvenile fish habitat is necessary in order to
understand the causes of variability in growth, survival, and subsequent
By Alisa Abookire
Annual Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey
The 30th of May 2005 marked the start of
the annual bottom trawl survey of the eastern Bering Sea (EBS)
continental shelf in a long series dating back to 1971. The EBS shelf is
a productive ocean region that contains some of the largest commercial
fish and crab stocks in the world. Data and analyses resulting from this
long time series are critical for assessing and managing commercial
species such as red king crab, walleye pollock, Pacific cod, and
yellowfin sole. The fishing vessels Arcturus and Aldebaran
were chartered for a combined 130 sea days to sample 380 stations
between the 20-m and 200-m isobaths and between the Alaska Peninsula and
south of St. Lawrence Island.
In addition to the regular sampling,
special studies are being conducted to investigate: 1) skate nursery
areas; 2) groundfish feeding ecology; 3) in situ temperature and marbled
eelpout distribution; 4) fur seal feeding strategies; 5) mercury level
and bioenergetic content in forage fishes of the beluga whale; 6) in
situ light levels and pollock distribution; 7) incidence of bitter crab
disease and black mat syndrome; 8) molecular identification of Kamchatka
and arrowtooth flounder, and 9) Steller sea lion prey DNA. Also
completed prior to the start of the survey was a gear research
experiment investigating the use of wire constrictors for limiting door
spread of the EBS survey trawl. Various net mensuration data are
currently being analyzed for determining how door constrictors affect
trawl performance.
By Robert Lauth
Groundfish Systematics
James Orr and Duane Stevenson continue to work on the
taxonomy and systematics of several families of fishes, most recently
skates, snailfishes, and eelpouts. Their research on skates, in
collaboration with Jerry Hoff and John McEachran (of Texas A&M),
continues with the preparation of the description of a new species from
the Aleutian Islands and a review of species related to the Alaska skate
(Bathyraja parmifera), as well as a report of the deepwater
species B. abyssicola and Amblyraja badia new to Alaska
(in press with Northwestern Naturalist). Additional details of
skate research may be found in "Recent Contributions to the Knowledge of
the Skates of Alaska," by Stevenson and Orr published in the AFSC
Quarterly Report for Jan-Mar 2005.
Research on snailfish systematics has continued with
the submission of a manuscript by Orr and Morgan Busby on the taxonomy
of the snailfish genus Allocareproctus. Four new species from the
Aleutian Islands are described in the paper, based on collections of
specimens from groundfish surveys conducted by RACE. In addition, a
paper in press with Northwestern Naturalist by Orr, in
collaboration with Beth Sinclair and Bill Walker of the National Marine
Mammal Laboratory, reports on two deepwater species new to Alaska
waters, the snailfish Paraliparis paucidens and the cuskeel
Bassozetus zenkevitchi, based on midwater collections in the
Bering Sea.
New species of eelpouts are being described under
lead author Stevenson. Stevenson and Orr have submitted the description
of a new species of Lycodes that is known only from the Islands
of Four Mountains area in the Aleutian Islands. Stevenson is also
collaborating with M. Eric Anderson (of the South African Institute of
Aquatic Biodiversity) and Hisashi Imamura (of Hokkaido University,
Japan) in producing a taxonomic revision of the eelpout genus
Bothrocara. With Anderson, he has submitted the description of a new
species of the genus from deep water in the Bering Sea.
By James Orr

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