Economic Data Collection Programs
The Crab Rationalization Program proposed by the Council includes some
novel and potentially controversial components. Therefore, in order to
ensure that the effects of the program can be clearly discerned, the Council
has developed a comprehensive and mandatory data collection program. The
program will collect ownership, revenue, employment, and variable cost
data, and any fixed cost data necessary to analyze variable costs from
the harvesting and processing sectors of the Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands
(BSAI) crab fishery. The Council appointed a Data Committee to develop
options for the data collection program. The Council made its final recommendations
for the data program relying on input from the Data Committee, Scientific
and Statistical Committee, Advisory Panel, industry, public, and related
analyses. The Council, agency, and industry determined that the data collection
program is a critical component of the Crab Rationalization Program and
that the data program should be mandatory. In an effort to ensure that
NMFS will have the authority to implement the data collection program,
Center economists prepared a brief discussion paper, Discussion Points
for Developing the Enabling Legislation for the Mandatory Data Collection
Component of the BSAI Crab Rationalization Program. The paper addresses
three issues: 1) authority to implement the mandatory data collection program;
2) additional protection for confidential economic data; and 3) authority
to access data collected by other Federal agencies.
Fishing Industry Productivity and Capacity
"Directions for Productivity Measurement in Fisheries" by Ron Felthoven
and C.J. Morrison Paul reviews the currently sparse literature on productivity
in fisheries and suggests ways to better account for many of the relevant
issues unique to the industry. The authors discuss the need to incorporate
bycatch levels to better account for environmental and stock fluctuations
and to relax some of the restrictive economic assumptions that have been
imposed in the research to date. A methodological framework that may be
used to incorporate these factors is proposed. The paper will be published
in Marine Policy later this year.
In the past 2 years, NMFS has assembled both an internal task force and
an external expert panel to suggest methods for computing fishing capacity
in U.S. fisheries. The primary difficulty in choosing a suggested methodology
has been the lack of economic data required for many of the capacity models
developed in the economic literature. "Methods for Estimating Fishing
Capacity with Routinely Collected Data: A Comparison" by Ron Felthoven
describes two of the suggested frontier methods for measuring capacity:
data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the stochastic production frontier
(SPF). The paper also discusses how to implement these models and various
notions of "capacity" that can be computed, depending on the assumptions
made regarding potential increases in effort. The paper is scheduled to
be published in the Review of International Fisheries Law and Policy.
Ron Felthoven presented "A Multi-output Transformation Function Approach
for Estimating Fishing Capacity" at the 50th Anniversary Workshop at the
Centre for Fisheries Economics in Bergen, Norway. The paper offers an
econometric approach for generating primal measures of capacity output
and capacity utilization in fisheries as an alternative to the frontier-based
production models used in the recent literature. A limitation of many
studies utilizing frontier approaches for fisheries is that inappropriate
conclusions may be drawn regarding potential output increases if the calculated
inefficiencies are not likely to be eliminated. The paper also shows how
to accommodate various changes in output composition at capacity, avoiding
the fixed proportions assumptions common in frontier models.
Regional Economics in the North Pacific
Dr. Chang Seung is developing a research project to address the use of
resident and nonresident labor in seafood processing. The results of his
project will be used to improve regional economic models used in analyses
of North Pacific fisheries. Dr. Seung has undertaken a comprehensive review
and critique of these models. In May he attended the Regional Economic
Models, Inc. seminar in Seattle to evaluate models frequently used in Alaskan
fisheries. He recently lectured at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
on regional economic modeling for fisheries in Alaska.
Data Requests
Data were summarized and provided to assist the Council and NMFS in addressing
the following issues: 1) Improved Retention/ Improved Utilization for the
BSAI groundfish fishery; 2) Steller sea lions; 3) bycatch; and 4) essential
fish habitat.
Spatial Fisheries Economic Modeling Workshop
Through a cooperative agreement with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries
Commission, the Center funded the Spatial Fisheries Economic Modeling Workshop:
Application to the Bering Sea Pollock Catcher Boat Fishery. The workshop
was organized by three UW economists who are developing behavioral models
of fishing to assess alternative management approaches for reducing the
impact of Alaska pollock and cod fisheries on Steller sea lion habitat.
The workshop was attended by 20 economists, biologists, and statisticians
from NMFS and various universities. The workshop included 1) an overview
of Alaska groundfish regulation and key seasonal/spatial patterns in fishing;
2) an exchange of perspectives on spatial fishing models and the key problems
and promising directions of discrete choice fishing location models; 3)
a review of work to date on the spatial model being developed by UW economists;
4) discussions of econometric and policy issues; and 5) discussions of
future research. The workshop participants agreed that future collaborative
work should address the issues of bycatch.
Community Profiles Update
Which communities are involved with fisheries in the North Pacific and
what are they like? AFSC anthropologist Jennifer Sepez is leading a team
of graduate students from the UW in updating the comprehensive community
profiles from the 1992 Faces of the Fisheries publication by the North
Pacific Fishery Management Council. The preliminary list of 188 communities,
based on various forms of participation in state and Federal fisheries
in the North Pacific, includes 119 communities from Alaska, with the remainder
in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. Profile topics include demography,
history, social and physical infrastructure, and commercial, sport, and
subsistence fisheries involvement. Data is being compiled from sources
such as the U.S. Census Bureau, the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission,
and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). When completed, the
profiles will be a resource for stakeholders and scholars interested in
the social aspects of North Pacific fishing communities and will provide
a baseline of information for analysis of future impacts. The project
is linked to a larger national effort to collect social science data on
fishing communities throughout the United States.
Local Fisheries Knowledge
The NOAA Local Fisheries Knowledge Pilot Project is a collaborative effort
to document the experience and expertise of local fishermen. Susan Abbott-Jamieson,
NOAA Senior Social Scientist, is working in conjunction with the Rural
School and Community Trust to initiate the place-based learning and research
project. High school students will be taught how to conduct interviews
with local, resident fishermen and their families for recording information
on diverse subjects ranging from unusual ecological phenomena to beliefs
about luck at sea. The resulting interview transcripts will be coded and
made available to researchers and the public on the internet. Jennifer
Sepez is on the national advisory panel for the project, which met for
the first time in April in Machais, Maine. The research will be conducted
in two coastal communities in Maine over the next academic year. If the
pilot project is successful in Maine, the research will be expanded to
other communities, and Alaska will likely be the next region to receive attention.
By Joe Terry.
U.S.-Korea Bilateral Conference
The U.S.-Korea Bilateral Conference on Fisheries Science was held at the
AFSC 23-24 June 2003. REFM Division Director Rich Marasco was the lead
for the U.S. side. The following issues were reviewed and compared: fisheries
assessment, fisheries management, ecosystem- based management, climate
changes as they affect fisheries, resource surveys, and directions of research
undertaken by Korea and the United States.
It was agreed to undertake the following programs:
- Establish information exchange on important fishery issues and assessment methodologies.
- Provide opportunities for visiting scientists to facilitate communications of
methods and techniques to address key issues. It was recommended that two or more
scientists from each country should participate in this exchange program next year.
- Identify opportunities for comparative studies at the individual investigator level.
- Develop a joint research program between the two countries.
The third U.S.-Korea bilateral meeting will be held in May 2004 in Korea,
with a symposium on Stock Assessment Improvement Plans.
NPAFC Research Planning Meeting
NPAFC Parties' plans for 2003 research cruises with visiting scientists. |
Party |
Vessel |
Months |
Visiting Scientists |
Japan |
Wakatake maru |
June-July |
N. Davis (U.S.) |
Japan |
Kaiyo maru |
June-Sep |
A. Vlokov (Russia)
A. Baitayluk (Russia)
V. Savin (Russia)
K. Myers (U.S.)
R. Walker (U.S)
B. Wing (U.S.) |
Russia |
Unnamed (U.S.) |
U.S. |
Sea Storm |
Sep-Oct |
O. Ivanov (Russia)
V. Natochi (Russia)
M. Trudel (Canada) |
U.S. |
John N. Cobb |
July |
T. Saito (Japan) |
The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission meeting was held at the Fisheries
Research Institute, University of Washington, 29-30 May 2003. The meeting
addressed salmon research planning and coordination issues as well as BASIS
(Bering Sea-Aleutians Salmon International Studies) research by Parties
of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (Canada, Japan, Russia,
and the United States). Most of the U.S. participants were from the Auke
Bay Laboratory, the ADF&G, and the UW. Loh-Lee Low served as U.S. lead
for the meeting.
By Loh-Lee Low.
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