AFSC Posters Database Search Help

Entries to the "Simple search" box are designed to match a single word or phrase found within several fields of each poster record  (i.e., "pollock" or "walleye pollock").  The fields are: title, author(s), year, division, and conference

The more refined "Advance search" feature allows for submitting single or multiple record field queries.  Entries to the "Title" and "Author" boxes can be the entire or partial text.  In addition, combinations of the three lists for publication year, AFSC divisional affiliation, and conference presented can be used.  A heading checkbox must be checked when selecting items from the list below it.  Multiple items from a list can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on each item.

Use the "Submit" button associated with the type of search used (Simple or Advanced) to enter your query.

On the search results page, click the "URL:" hyperlinks to view each poster.  Most of these posters are presented in .pdf format, requiring you to have  Adobe Acrobat Reader  freeware (or equivalent viewing software) installed on your computer.  Adobe also offers  free tools for the visually disabled.

If you have problems accessing these pages, suggestions for improving them, or discover errors, please contact the AFSC Webmaster.